Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Teeing off ...

Life becomes ...
One Big game of Golf ...
Teeing off ...
Hitting the ball ...
Either into the Greens ...
Towards the First hole ...
Or putting the ball into a pond nearby ...
Or in a pit of Sand.

I remember seeing them ....
Gulls ... Seagulls the course ...
Next to the Arabian sea...
The Tormenting Sea ...
waves hitting the Rocks on the Shore ...
The Barricades ...
The Balustrade ...
The Clubhouse ...
Fun .... in sea water drenched atmosphere.

The setting Sun behind ...
The mint tea sitting on the white round table ..
With wicker chairs around it.
I remember ...
I remember Teeing off from there.
I remember the Swim ..
The swim in the pool beside the Sea....
The Club Sandwich I tucked into ...
The mint tea to wash it down with.

Yes, I tee'ed off from there ...
Soaring high into the Sky...
Like my favourite character ...
Jonathan Livingstone Sea Gull ...
Bach would have been so inspired.

Yes, I remember Teeing off ...
On wings of an Eagle ...
Soaring high above the Clouds ...
Above the Birds in a flock ....
My World ...
Bright and Beautiful ...
From up above .

Yes, I remember Teeing off the course.

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