Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I chose to Tell him the Truth ...

Yes,  I could have been Happy today.
A false joy ...A false life ...
A false identity ....
I coul have been so happy in a false Love today.

Yet, I chose to invite aches in my Life ...
This time round ...
I killed my Love ...
I murdered it with the spade of Truth ...
Hammered into a person...
Nonchalant and uncaring.

I could have carried on with ....
Sweet nothings and enjoyed his selfless Love...
I chose to Tell him the Truth...
That did me in ...
That left me in pain ...
That set our love on fire.

There is no guilt here...
Coz' I chose to Tell him the Truth.

I chose death of our Love ...
Over lies and dishonesty.
My Fault I chose to be the martyr ...
My fault I chose death of our Love.

It could have been a great Friendship ...
I chose anonymity over his anger...
I chose diktats of my personal being ...
I heard him....
I chose him...
Am all alone and he with the World he created.

Am happy he is happy without me ...
Am glad he laughs and smiles..
Am Sad ...
I am not there with him ..
Nor he with me.
I chose this Destiny....
I could have chosen otherwise ...
I would have been so Happy ...
So Selfish.

I chose Truth over Lies ...
I lost him there.

I chose Solitude and pain over False Joy.

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