Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A stony silence ...

What started as a lesson to teach ...
Turned into a sordid tale of love and treachery ...
One, where the tormentor turned a victim...
And, the victim a tormentor.

A tale once again ...
Of Love ....
But Unrequited...
For Truth is hard to digest.

A massive difference in personalities...
Two individuals ....
Yet, a tale of disguise ...
A tale best left untold...
One where Love blossomed eventually...
After a Betrayal ...
That left both bereft of thoughts...
Just a stony silence.

It kills her to watch ...
To see him happy elsewhere ...
She has locked herself in ....
Crying every moment ....
Thinking of him all the time.

She is no more herself ...
All laughter and joy gone ...
Like a Ghost she goes about her day ...
Like a ghost she spends her nights.

She roams the streets of the lane where they met ...
Seeking him everywhere ...
She sees him yet ...
Is unable to touch him....
A stony silence ensues in her life....
A stony woman has she become.

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