Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Aberrations ...

I have seen them ...
I have felt them ...
They mean no harm ...
They just want to interact ...
Finish unfinished conversations...
With loved ones...
Yes, I have seen them ...
Aberrations ...
Ghosts as commonly known ...
They are just a minor apparitions from a different realm...
They speak to me via silent vacant eyes ...
Of Loved ones lost ...
Of stories yet to be written ..
Of Songs cut short ...
I believe them ...
I believe in aberrations ...
I believe in the Ghosts ...
They talk to me...
I converse with them ..
A silent cry for help ...
A prayer ...
They are beautiful souls ...
Lost souls.

Teeing off ...

Life becomes ...
One Big game of Golf ...
Teeing off ...
Hitting the ball ...
Either into the Greens ...
Towards the First hole ...
Or putting the ball into a pond nearby ...
Or in a pit of Sand.

I remember seeing them ....
Gulls ... Seagulls the course ...
Next to the Arabian sea...
The Tormenting Sea ...
waves hitting the Rocks on the Shore ...
The Barricades ...
The Balustrade ...
The Clubhouse ...
Fun .... in sea water drenched atmosphere.

The setting Sun behind ...
The mint tea sitting on the white round table ..
With wicker chairs around it.
I remember ...
I remember Teeing off from there.
I remember the Swim ..
The swim in the pool beside the Sea....
The Club Sandwich I tucked into ...
The mint tea to wash it down with.

Yes, I tee'ed off from there ...
Soaring high into the Sky...
Like my favourite character ...
Jonathan Livingstone Sea Gull ...
Bach would have been so inspired.

Yes, I remember Teeing off ...
On wings of an Eagle ...
Soaring high above the Clouds ...
Above the Birds in a flock ....
My World ...
Bright and Beautiful ...
From up above .

Yes, I remember Teeing off the course.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Unwritten Story ...

A Story that began ...
I had all the purpose and the script was ready...
But, then I decided to Shelve it ...
Bad decision...
Now, all gone ..
Squandered away with time ...
Hurt feelings ...
Like shards of glass on the floor ...
And, I tread upon this ..
Painful ...
Experiencing pain ...
An ache I can't tell.
Yes, I realize it pained you ...
It pained me too...
It still pains me ...
The dull ache ..
The sleepless nights ...
All there ...
Screaming away ...
I am bereft of a smile even ...
I axed my own foot.
An unwritten story ..
Ended before it began.

Teri Baatein hi sunaaney aaye ...

Iss dil mein armaan badey hein...
Par tamanna ka kya hai ...
Kuch haasil nahiho jo ...
Teri baatein hi toh ...
Sunaaney aaye hain.

Bahut socha ...
Bahut fikraa kiye ...
Par jo dil tadpaa ...
Ki aansoon humne hi diye ...
Toh ehsaas ne zhakjhor diya...
Tumhe apni baatein hi toh ...
Sunaaney aaye hein.

Jo dil mein khot hota...
Toh tujhe kuch naa batetey ...
Par dil hai ...
Toot kar bhi bataa hi diya ..
Jaantey hein galat kiya ...
Par inkaar toh naa kiya...
Apni baatein hi toh bataney aye hein..
Tujhse teri baatein hi baataney aaye hein.

I chose to Tell him the Truth ...

Yes,  I could have been Happy today.
A false joy ...A false life ...
A false identity ....
I coul have been so happy in a false Love today.

Yet, I chose to invite aches in my Life ...
This time round ...
I killed my Love ...
I murdered it with the spade of Truth ...
Hammered into a person...
Nonchalant and uncaring.

I could have carried on with ....
Sweet nothings and enjoyed his selfless Love...
I chose to Tell him the Truth...
That did me in ...
That left me in pain ...
That set our love on fire.

There is no guilt here...
Coz' I chose to Tell him the Truth.

I chose death of our Love ...
Over lies and dishonesty.
My Fault I chose to be the martyr ...
My fault I chose death of our Love.

It could have been a great Friendship ...
I chose anonymity over his anger...
I chose diktats of my personal being ...
I heard him....
I chose him...
Am all alone and he with the World he created.

Am happy he is happy without me ...
Am glad he laughs and smiles..
Am Sad ...
I am not there with him ..
Nor he with me.
I chose this Destiny....
I could have chosen otherwise ...
I would have been so Happy ...
So Selfish.

I chose Truth over Lies ...
I lost him there.

I chose Solitude and pain over False Joy.

A stony silence ...

What started as a lesson to teach ...
Turned into a sordid tale of love and treachery ...
One, where the tormentor turned a victim...
And, the victim a tormentor.

A tale once again ...
Of Love ....
But Unrequited...
For Truth is hard to digest.

A massive difference in personalities...
Two individuals ....
Yet, a tale of disguise ...
A tale best left untold...
One where Love blossomed eventually...
After a Betrayal ...
That left both bereft of thoughts...
Just a stony silence.

It kills her to watch ...
To see him happy elsewhere ...
She has locked herself in ....
Crying every moment ....
Thinking of him all the time.

She is no more herself ...
All laughter and joy gone ...
Like a Ghost she goes about her day ...
Like a ghost she spends her nights.

She roams the streets of the lane where they met ...
Seeking him everywhere ...
She sees him yet ...
Is unable to touch him....
A stony silence ensues in her life....
A stony woman has she become.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Ground Reality ...

Reality speaks for itself. Makes the fact com slapping you hard on your cheeks. You believe something and something else is the truth.

You in all good faith extend the Olive branch out to thugs and Murderers. What do you get in return? Nothing but a sting.

One doesn't stop being truthful and honest because someone and the majority is Criminal. One shows one's upbringing and just values for the sake of common good.

The Ground Reality is ... Nothing is permanent ... not this mortal being nor the Soul.

We rise from Nothingness to Nothing. Ashes to ashes. The destiny that awaits us >>> Ashes.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Do you recognize him?

This person ... DO YOU RECOGNIZE HIM?

Various Shades of a Con Man as he aptly called himself   :-)

Presenting Ashish Chaudhary aka Chhotey Dauji .... or as you may have it @chaaudhary in Twitter .... What is his truth?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Poles Apart ...

World's apart our lives were ...
We are poles apart in our temperaments too...
I would rather the Twain shall never meet ...
For there shall be an explosion ...
An explosion of not only passion ...
But, also clash of Ideas and Ideals ...
You belong to the common World ...
I reside elsewhere.

Opposites attract but not my cup of tea anymore ...
I would rather have similar minded persona...
Than a mind at loggerheads.

Incongruity is the bane ...
Of relations based on passion alone ...
Nothing comes of it ...
After a certain time ...
When all else fails ...
Two strangers left ...
To deal with each others Demons.

Poles apart we are ...
Poles apart we shall be ...
And, the Twain shall never meet ...
Like the Earth and the Sky ...
Just a horizon ...
Seems as one ...
But, shall never be one.

Social, emotional difference ...
Mental, physical incompatibility ...
How could we ever believe ...
We could be one?
Never ...
We are Poles Apart.

Courage is all it takes ...

It takes a lot of courage to be the One.

The ultimate one to take on all the bashings that the Big Bad World has in store for Mankind.

It has become a habit. A bad habit to really go all out to kick the smartarses out there waiting in a virtual World.

It takes a whole lot of courage to be a single parent and yet be a good example to the whole damn World of purity and jackass smartness.

Leave aside the society; it never was and shall never be a part of my life. I live life on my terms and my terms alone. No one has the reins of my life in their hands. I have worked hard and sacrificed a lot to be where I am today.

It takes a lot to sacrifice your youth to maintain the sacrileges of a bygone era and inculcate the values and principles your foundation stands on to bring up children abandoned by their sire and yet give them the best. To be at the receiving end of a societal abuse for being a single parent and that too a strong single woman.

This society doesn't want a strong woman around who knows her mind and needs. One who doesn't fall back upon shoulders to cry on but carves her own path.

There is a lot at stake. A lot that has gone in to be who I am ... I won't let anyone take credit for the same.
There's a lot that has gone into the making of a personality that all are in awe of ; no Sir... No ways is anyone gonna take the credit for shaping my destiny ... My destiny is yet to come ... It's a journey of a lifetime ... and, the lifetime hasn't ended yet.

Courage is all it takes to be Radhika Nanda ..

Monday, July 15, 2013

A common Con Man or just plain Misunderstanding ?

An Emotional and  Mental dilemma...

What to believe and what not to believe?

Time has stood still. A chirpy person reduced to ashen faced persona. Emotion deprived life, no way to comprehend ; a confused state of mind wondering What really happened? Where did it all go wrong? Where did I falter?

For what unknown fault was a person conned and duped? Why the secrecy? Why the blackout?

On whose instructions were the actions that preceded the final duping take place?

There has to be an explanation for the turn of events that took place?

An answer to all the questions that arise when someone who becomes an integral part of your suddenly disappears without giving an explanation for duping and conning a person into believing in a utopia that doesn't exist.

Who is this person Really?  He said his name was Ashish Chaudhary from Bhiwani, a Khap member settled in Jaipur belonging to a fauji family with respectable lawyers of Jaipur from Vaishalinagar. He himself a mechanical engineer, working for Volvo as a Senior sales engineer based in Pune staying at Baner. But, yet no clue of his whereabouts. No one knows him. Strange, that despite all this information no one knows him. One draws a blank when one investigates. his mobile number non existent. So much secrecy ... Why? 

Why make someone fall for you and then disappear?

If he is not a Con man then he ought to come out of hiding and face the blunt and frank truth. Face reality and explain his behaviour.

There is no other way to find him but go public and someone might recognize him.

Who is the wife he has referred to earlier? Why did he lie to me that he wasn't attached?

Why? Is a query I need answered by HIM and HIM alone.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: Dauji ... Chhotey Dauji ...

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: Dauji ... Chhotey Dauji ...: Chaudhary Sahib where are you looking? I am addressing this blogpost to you Dear. Look here Mister ... The one whom you conned is seeking...

Hidden Eyes ...

Mesmerizing eyes ...
Beautiful eyes ...
Long pensive gaze ...
That's the way the World saw us ...
That's the way you watch over me ...
Hidden Eyes ...
Long gone memories ..
Of a past ...
That was sweet ...
A memory not bitter ...
A memory still burning bright ...
A flaming inferno within ...
Hidden Eyes see this vision ...
Hidden Eyes worry a lot...
What became a memory ...
Was a beautiful thought ...
Moments spent together ...
Melting moments ...
Culmination of two souls ...
A Chocolat' moment ...
The Kundalini pose.

Prose written by Hidden Eyes ...
Poetry abounds galore ...
Those few moments ...
A reminder of gaiety abounds.
Hidden Eyes have seen them all ...
Burning in desire with me ...
Hidden within his Heart ...
The memories of yesterday.

Hidden Eyes ...
No more hidden from my soul.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Footprints on my Soul ...

On a melancholy note today ...
I reminisce about yesterday ...
Some souls that touched my soul ...
Some that brushed past ...
Some that hurt ...
Can hurt me no more ...
Yet footprints on my soul ..

In a World..
Already bitter with their own truths ...
Souls lay bared ...
Ensnared in their own nets ...
I walk about ...
Watching them struggle ...
No remorse ...
Yet, a sadness envelops ...
Seeing people suffer ..
Not knowing it is but a mirage.

Imprints on a tender heart ..
Scars that remain ..
Healing taken place yet ...
A twitch to feel the ache ...
Footprints ...
On the sands of time ...
Footprints on my soul.