Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Oceans Apart ...

Miles apart...
Countless miles ...
They pine for each other ...
Like Oceans apart ...
Mountains as barricades ...
They desire proximity ...
Yet, miles separating them...
They are but one ...
Two Hearts but one Soul.

They glide through ...
In their dreams ...
In each others arms they rest ...
They believe in each other ...
They fall apart if away even for a moment ...
Not a moment goes ...
When they don't remind each other..
Of their existence ..Their presence ...
A whiff of fresh air ...
In the sultry afternoons ...
Humid nights ...
None can keep them away.

Oceans apart ...
They wait ...
Sighing upon a full moon...
Meaningful existence ...
Theirs forever to cherish.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Maori Connection ...

There is aboriginal feeling ...
An intuition of sorts ...
Deep rooted thoughts ...
Putting it all together ...
The geyserly mind ...
Erupting with steamy lines ...
An old connection ...
With something Maori...
The tribe that knows it all...
Nature its tell tale signs...
Wind, water,  Sun ...
All along.

In the air ...
Whistles the whispers ...
Of tales untold ...
Unfurling the flsmes...
Locked within.

A pressure building up ...
Shooting up towards the sky ...
Scalding the skin that touches the steam ...
Scarring them for life.

Thr Maories call it justice ...
Fury of the nature ...
Fury of a woman in rage.

The Maori connection is strong ...
The howling wind whispers his name ...
A new rage engulfs her being ...
Destroying all in its path.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Grief embraces her ...

Yet again ...
Fate brings its fruits ...
Destiny plays its part ...
Yet again ...
Grief embraces her...
Engulfs her in a vicious grip...
Embalming pain on her heart.

Grief embraces her soul...
Tears her apart...
Reminding her ...
Happiness is not her cup of tea ...
Nor is it in her kitty.

Yet again ...
She walks her lonely path...
Crawls into her solitude ...
Hides her pain ...
Behind a mask of stoic silence ...
A melancholy smile pasted...
On a face pale and white.

Grief embraces her ...
She walks in the unseasonal rains ...
Tears mingling with raindrops...
Salt diluting on the way.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

I have forgotten ...

I have forgotten...
How it feels to breathe in fresh air...
I have forgotten ...
How it feels to be carefree.

I have forgotten ...
How it feels ...
To love and hug my own kids.
When was the last time...
I had a good family time with my loved ones?
When did I laugh with gay abandon ...
At their silly pranks ?
I have forgotten ...
What it feels like to be a mother ...
All that I am is a ...
Money making machine.

I look back with regret...
A streak of remorse crosses my face...
Saddened by my failure...
As a mother and provider ...
I remember,
I have forgotten to be a mother.

When was the last time...
I cooked crazy stuff for them?
When was the last time ...
I danced in the rain with them?
Good times to be remembered ...
I have forgotten.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

His Shadow ...

Am touched ...
By his shadows ...
I can hear music ...
His footsteps make music ...
Only I can hear....
Stop O' Heart ...
Don't be so anxious ...
Let him suffer a bit ...
Trouble him a bit ...
Let him woo you ...
Go on ...
Twitch a bit but ...
Wait to hear his footsteps ...
O' Heart not so quick ...
To give away ...
Your feelings ...
Let him know waiting .,.
Longing be his punishment ..
For coming so late in life ...
For making you wait ...
Let him suffer a bit.
His shadow ...
Touches you ...
You feel a tingle ...
What will your state be...
When he really takes you in his arms?
Be his shadow ...
As he shall be yours ...
Together take those steps ...
That take you to an ethereal World.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The suffering never ends ...

It never ends, your suffering ... your struggles.

One is gone and another begins ... the journey of life and its ups and down bogging the human in us each time ... a new test ... a new pain ... same aches but in varying proportions ... some more than before ... some expected so the intensity a bit low.

There, you stand at the shore heaving a sigh of relief that you are over one big hurdle and moved on and there appears out of nowhere a gigantic iceberg to remind you that it is much deeper than you thought ... the root cause of all your worries and troubles.

One moment you sigh with relief and the next moment you find yourself neck deep in shit.

Words that lead you on and you start dreaming , making big pictures of happily ever after and then suddenly you fall flat on your face coz' commitments were hard to maintain and one turned out to be a coward and calculative user of emotions.

Yes, we do come across assholes who squeeze you dry and walk away with a smug smile. Little do they know, it is a small World and what goes around comes around. All that they stand for, their World can come tumbling down ... the rubbles burying every relation they cherish the most ...  for they have sinned and a sinner receives no respite.

A strong person is one who gets jolted to reality with such humbug revelations and still puts on a smile ... pastes one on her face and walks tall.

There is no more looking back but to move forth and make ones mark and move on to another realm ... where one is safe and secure in the knowing that none can hurt them anymore.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Journey starts yet again ...


A new adventure to begin with ...
Back again to the place ...
From where she started from scratch before ...
A life that was left behind ...
Revisiting her past ...
A sense of catharsis taking root ...
In her conscience ...
All she knows ...
Is she is a monk ...
Realizing her moksha ...
Letting it all go ...
Unaffected by peoples emotions ...
All her life living for others ...
Now, starting to live for herself ...
Baby steps ...
Strong bold steps though ...
In the belief that ...
Peace becomes her.

A mind and heart in turmoil ...
She leaves behind bitter sweet memories ...
Some loved ones ...
Some very dear ...
Stifling the sobs ...
Wiping the tear in the corner of her eye ...
She moves on ...
Marches on ...
The Soldier of her own destiny yet again.

Bring it on!!!

She starts afeesh ...
From where she left off...
In search of a new destination...
The foot soldier marches on ...
A new travelogue to be written ...
A new name ...
A new place ...
She moves into a new realm ...
A familiar place but ...
With a another destiny awaiting. ..
All the old life left behind ...
The foot soldier soldiers on.

The past but a distant memory ...
Her life a new story to begin with ...
Another chapter ...
Another history to create.

She marches on ...
A new destination ...
A new fate awaiting her ...
Nothing of the past in her kitty anymore ...
A new identity ...
A new face
She looks destiny in the eye and says ...
Bring it on!!!