Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cheers! To New Mistakes ...

Here is to The New Year ...
Here is to The New Mistakes we shall make ...
Kudos to days gone by ...
Springs, Summers. Autumns and Winters ...
All splinters  of memories.

Long forgotten friendships ...
Long gone by days of happiness ..
Long nights of Sweet nothings ...
Long wait for Euphoria.

Cheers! To the new Dawn ...
The dawn that shall see ...
Life in the fast lane ...
And creeping slowly...
A time worth the wait ...
Beckons the call of Future.

Life ... like a marble

Smooth and round ...
A perfect sphere ...
A sphere of life ...
Life is like a marble ...
Round and perfect and ...
So delicate ...
One hurt and a chip ...
Scars and mars it for life.
A perfect sphere ...
Life comes one full circle.
A great life ...
A screed being ..
Yet, happy and content ...
For all experiences made her grow ....
Grow into a beautiful bird ...
With a thorn in her heart ....
A bleeding yet ...
Perfectly sinless heart ...
Smiling lips and purity in thoughts ...
Waiting upon the one ...
That would never Return.
Yet she perks up ....
Every sound a tinkle ...
The Tinker bell Fairy ...
By her side ...
The Stories of Peter Pan ...
In her kitty ...
he dreams on ...
As a child that she did ...
A child still ...
She dreams on ...
Her Life ...
Transparent as a Marble ...
Scarred and beautiful as a marble...
The Ivory plain Marble ...
She ... walks on towards a new dawn.

I am happy in my Solitude ...

A few moments spent by myself ...
I spring forth ,.
With renewed mirth and laughter ...
A fresh lease of Life.
I am happy in my solitude.

Deep within conversations ...
Intrapersonal dialogues ...
An introspective mood ...
A restrospective attitude ...
That is what sets apart ...
The mood for the time being ...
I am happy in my solitude.

Gone are the bygone moments ...
Gone are the people in it ...
Fresh faces ...
A new life ...
Beckoning glances ...
New vigour ...
New hands to hold forth.
I am happy in my solitude.

Bidding adieu to old life ...
Bidding all goodbyes ...
Life couldn't be better ...
Had you all not been there.
I love my solitude ...
Am happy in my solitude.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

It ended ...

The magic we wove together ...
The dreams we had ...
They all ended on a sad note ...
For we are no longer together.

The feelings took a turn ...
None could gather ...
How it all began and ended ...
Yours and mine time together.

Blinded by passion ...
Blinded by anger ...
Love one moment ...
Gone another.

It ended ...
Our dreams of togetherness ...
Our feelings for each other ...
We just drifted apart ...
Till one fine day ..
We didn't miss either.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bauji ... Not my cup of Tea

My Obelix ... My Bauji ...
A strapping six footer ...
You are my Love ...
Yet you make me sad ...
So, it is best to keep the love ...
Within the confines of my bleeding Heart ...
For am a free bird ...
So are you ...The daily grind of verbal abuse ...
A tall order to fulfil ...
Not my cup of Tea.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

लहरों का शोर

मेरा मन कुछ ढून्ढ रहा है
वही एकाकीपन
वही बचपन
वही खुशनुमा गलियां
वही समुन्दर का किनारा
इस निश्चल एकांत मेंभी
मेरा मन अशांत है
समुन्दर के शोर में भी
एक अजीब सुकून है
मेरा शहर मुझसे छूटा
मेरा गाँव मुझसे छूटा
पर मेरा वजूद वहीँ रहा
एक शोर ... एक एहसास
मेरा बचपन
मेरी जवानी
मेरा अल्हड़पन
कहीं खो गया
ढूँढने निकली
तो खुद खो गयी
मेरा मन मेरा शहर कहीं खो गया
मेरा बचपन पीछे छूट गया
मेरी जवानी यहीं कहीं लूट गयी
एक नारी कहीं खो गयी
एक माँ की छवि थी निराली
वो निराली भी खो गयी
बच गया तो बस एक वजूद
अपने होने का एहसास
कल तक जो आस पास था
अब वो भी बिखर गया
कुछ न बचा उस शहर का
कुछ न बची आस
एक एहसास
वो भी नहीं रहा
एक शोर ...
समुन्दर का शोर ...
बस वोही याद बाकी है
और तो कुछ भी याद नहीं...
ना बचपन ... ना शहर ...
ना वो सलमा सितारे ...
न कलम के वोह इशारे
यादें बेवफा हो गयीं
बातें बेवफा हो गयीं
बस बचा एक शोर ...
लहरों का पत्रों से टकराना ...
बस वोही शोर

Monday, December 16, 2013

He ...

He cannot  be defined
He is the sublime
He is the fountain of love
He is mine
He knows, I know
That is all that matters.

He definitely has a mind of his own
He certainly towers above all
He stands tall in all he's worth
He is my Man today and forever
For He doesn't mince words
For him I am the World
For He finds time to please me
My Man, He sure is.

The Uncrowned Emperor of Tomorrow
He stands out even in a crowd
My man .. My Knight
My King... My lover
He is different from the rest
Just like me.

Together we weave fantasy
Together we make love
Together we stand
Together we smile
Together ... We are inseparable
That is the power of love ..
Far apart ...
Yet bound by an unseen bond.

He, the one who rules my heart
The Emperor of My World
Am the Empress he sought
Together we build our Empire.

Calamity brought us together
Entwined in pain
We grew up
Together we join hands and walk
Sprint along the promenade.

The King and I
A story retold
He holds my hand
I look up and in his eyes
He sees love and passion
I see truth and compassion.

He is the Ultimate Truth
My Life & Passion to date
He brings sunshine
He wakes me up from my deep slumber.

He ... he is the ONE.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Stars Can't Shine Without Darkness ...

Running after a mirage , a feel good factor meant success in what She did. For she lost her way in the labyrinth of life , seeking what was not meant to be. She groped in the dark for a switch to the Light that would bring her to her senses, She sought what was non existent. A false sense of security, a load of lies, bigamy of emotions and nothing else. The darkness taught her the lessons that her life in Light couldn't.

The life she led so far , all bound and written for the ones that shall hold the torch henceforth; she moves on to a different realm of Self.

The dark showed her the path, stumbles and falls et al the guides ...
She realized ..'Stars Can't Shine Without Darkness'

She was happy and content in her silence. It taught her a lot that spoken words couldn't. Her silence speaks volumes.

Her walk a gait, a spring within that says she is free from the shackles of life. For she shines bright even in her darkness.

Her sacrifice not in vain ... She moves ahead shining in the after glow of her penultimate success ... Her Life and Times on Earth as a mortal being ... Immortalized by the words that she writes.

She shines, she glows even in darkness ... no more groping for the switch to the light ... for she has become the torch that brightens all paths.