Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ashoka ....

He saw the blood bath ...
He saw the victory in vain ....
He saw the bones ....
He saw the flesh and blood ...
He saw the gory death .....
He got up  and ... walked away ....
Walked away from all this ....
Walked away from the falsehood of life ...
Walked away from the lies that egged him on ....
Walked away from what he had started ....
He ended it with nothing on his being ....
He got nothing ...
He took nothing ...
But, the experience ...
In all that mayhem ....
he found his calling ...
In my calamity ....
I found my calling ...
A new path to carve ...
A new religion to create ...
A new ray of hope for the hopeless ...
A new wave in the ocean.

I am Ashoka ...
I am Arjuna ...
I am Kr'sna....
I am the culmination of all ...
I am Samsara ...
I am the being ....
I am ME.

In my calamity ....

In my calamity ....
I found my salvation .....
I found myself yet again ....
I found the strength ...
I thought had waned ...
I learnt I had to do what I had to do ...
Rest leave it for the almighty ....
I found a new me ....
I found a greater soul ....
Residing within me ....
I found so many truths ...
So many lies unearthed ...
So many myths broken ...
So many new people ...
Many new friends ...
Many new foes ....
Yet, am glad I found myself again.
In my calamity ...
I found the blessing ....
The blessing in disguise ....
I found my AGNI.
The fire in my belly ....
My identity.

What is it that matters the most?

Mind over matter ....
that matters the most ...
Rather than letting anything bother us ....
Let us dwell upon the fact ...
The thought .....
What is it that matters the most to us?
What is it that makes us tick?
What is it that gives us a reason to live?
What is it that makes us forgive the unforgettables?
Humanness ....
Being humane ...
Being Kind ....
Being able to pick our bags and walk away ....
Let the rest be what it is .....
Not bother about the consequences .....
What matters is ....
At the end of the day ....
Are you able to look in the mirror ..
Look in your own eyes and say to yourself ....
I didn't lie to anyone ...
I didn't cheat anyone ....
I didn't ruin another life today.
Can you look within and say ... I have been honest?

What is it that matters the most to you?
What matters to you ....
Matters to all too ...
Don't take things for granted ...
We all have our own headaches ...
We have our own dreams to follow ...
Don't create roadblocks in them ...
No speed barriers ...
What matters is ....
Be good and do good unto others ....
If others do the same to you ...
Don't feel hurt then ...
Coz' you brought your miseries onto yourself.

Accountability .....

Who is accountable for all that happens?
Who takes the responsibility?
Who is in charge of all that needs to be done?
Who? WHO?

No one wants to be accountable ....
For the actions that they have taken ...
No one wants to be held responsible for what they have done ....
All just wanna put the blame on others ...
No one is held accountable ...
For the crimes they did....
For the lies they told ...
For the lies they lived ...
For the lies they are living .....
For the lies they are saying ...
So, at the end of the day ...
Accountability lies with whom?
Why blame others, when I didn't check their backgrounds/
Why blame them, when I blindly trusted them?
Why blame them, when all I did was believe every word they said?
The accountability lies with me ....
I am accountable for my belief in people ....
I am accountable for trusting them blindly ...
I am accountable for believing every word ....
No one else but me and my blind faith ...
In Goodness of people ...
A fallacy ..
A myth ..
A broken dream ...
A broken trust.

I am accountable for my grief.

Bouncy Baby ...

Yup.... That's what he is...
Especially when the music plays ...
Just turns around .....
Over and over again ...
That's what AGNI does ...
The whole day long ...
Wondering .... when he comes into this World ...
What would he do?
What mischief would he be upto?
A smile spreads across my lips ...
And I know ... am gonna be ...
The most joyous Mom  in the World.

A bouncy, babbling AGNI ....
Just what is needed to uplift the spirits.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Let's Go ...

Yes, instead of let go ...
It is let's go ....
Let's go deep sea diving ...
Let's go scuba diving ....
Let's go mountain climbing ...
Let's go hiking ....
Let's go walking ....
But , Just go ... Let us go ...
You and I together ....
By the lakeside ...
By the Seaside ....
By the brook ...
By the river ....
By the tall pine trees ....
In the hills ...
Snow capped mountains ...
Just go ...
Let us go ....
Go far away.
Let's Go ... my heart ....
This city life is not for you ....
You are made for the heavens ....
The goodness and freshness of nature.
Let's go ....
Hand in hand .....
As you promised last night ...
Just go away ...
Later we will see ...
What life has in store for us.
Let's Go ...
Just Go away .

I wonder ....

I lay there ... on my back ...
On the green green grass ......
Looking at the blue blue sky ...
Wondering ....
Where did it all begin ...
And, where will it all end?
Life is a big question .....
An unanswered question since ages .....
Four decades .... forty two springs ....
I wonder ...
I reel of a lifetime ...
How it passed by ....
A movie rolling by ...
Experiences good and bad ...
Life experiences ....
They all taught me something ....
Or the other .....
A lifetime ....
Beautiful life ....
If I had to live it again ....
I wouldn't want to change it a bit....
Every moment taught me something ...
Made me who I am ....
Every person ...
Every place has a special memory ....
Every experience special.....
Wouldn't change a moment .....
I wonder in wonderment ....
I wonder in surprise ...
Bewildered ...
A lifetime of fluttering ......
My wings flapping .... here and there ...
Flitting from place to place ....
Still lots of places to visit ...
I wonder ...
I am all set to travel again ....
New lands beckon me ...
New opportunities ....
New people ...
New bonds to forge ....
Surge ahead with renewed vigour and energy.....
My calling ....
My life ...
My wonders to explore.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My back up plan ....

Yup .... He is my back up plan ....
He is there for AGNI eventually ...
Someone has to be there for him ....
So my back up plan .... stepped in ....
This is what true friendship and pure love is all about ....
Not lust and cheating ....
But sacrifice.

This love has no beginning ...
Nor an end ....
It is in continuum ....
Just going on ....
So far yet so near ....
So dear ...
First love ... Puppy love ....
A realization ....
A tremendous feeling ....
A high no other moment can give .....
First love ... Puppy love ....
My back up plan.