Friday, January 14, 2022

Pinned Hopes ! #GoFigure

When was the last time your hopes were held high?
When was it that hope materialised into something beautiful?
Never do hopes come to realisation...
There's always an if and a but ...
There's always somebody's butt being kicked somewhere ...
Hopes don't materialise...
Whatever the positivity Gurus may say ...
Destiny isn't destined to keep your hopes flying...
They dash to the ground ...
Just like a mismanaged Airplane ...
So, cut down on the emotional drama ...
There's no hope for any kind of happiness for anyone...
We are all just living by ...
In hopes of a better tomorrow...
But, the tomorrow never comes...
If tomorrow comes...
Be ready but not hopeful ! #GoFigure 

Birthday Gift! #GoFigure

They weren't in touch with each other...
His birthday came up ...
They literally kissed and made up ...
She wished him ...
And, asked what do you desire for your birthday?
He said ...Write for me ! 
So, she wrote for him...
About him...
But, words cannot sum up...
What she wants to write for him...
About him...
About her feelings for him...
She's at a loss for words to describe...
The feelings she experiences...
When she hears his voice ...
And, he feels it a burden to speak?
She's trying to control the desire...
To connect always ...
She doesn't want to seem despondent...
Desperate for his voice...
She is a lady...
And a lady wouldn't ...
But, matters of the heart take over ...
It's so frustrating ...
To not be able to express what you feel...
Even in words ...
Because it's an expression...
A feeling...
No one can pen it ...
You have to feel it ...
He has to feel it...
His Birthday Gift ! #GoFigure

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Sparrow And The Dragonfly, The Snails And The Aphids !

They visit her each morning ...
The Sparrow and the dragonfly ...
While she sips her morning cup of tea ...
A multitude of it followed up ...
Watching life aflutter outside ...
Just outside...
Beyond the four walls of her cage ...
A cage she calls home ...
Beyond the flower bed ...
And the grills ...
Life lives ...
Skittles around ...
Wings flapping ...
Buzzing about ...
The Dragonfly and the Sparrow ...
Teasing her ...
Mocking her immobility ...
Giving her company in her cage...
They are the only friends she sees everyday...
Also, the pesty snails and the aphids ...
They test her patience and yet ...
They are welcome in her little garden ...
The Sparrow and the Dragonfly ...
The snails and the aphids ! #GoFigure 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Yearning for more...

He made a short statement ...
Making her yearn for more ...
His spoken words ...
Her written words ...
A melangé of emotions from two different people ...
Yet, a consummation of two feelings as one.
In flight, she's sure;
He's thinking of what could be ...
Sipping a cup of tea ...
She types of what could be !
A meeting of two different worlds ...
An exploration of bodies ravaged with time ...
An explosion of desires ...
Maybe a passionate kiss followed by lovemaking ...
Anything is possible...
In the deep trenches of the brain cells ...
Anything is possible if they want it to be !
So, what is it going to be ...
To be or not to be ...
Only TIME can tell ! 
For what's written in destiny...
Can't be erased ...
A new story or an old tale of loved and lost ! #GoFigure 
Yearning is the bane of lovers ...
Yearning for more wouldn't be lust, is it ? #GoFigure

Words flow ! #GoFigure

When emotions are high ...
Or low ...
An ebbing and throbbing in the head and heart ...
Words flow to express ...
To express the desires embedded...
A deeply rooted need to belong ...
To belong to the one who understands...
Who comprehends the feelings expressed ...
Wuthering blows high and low ...
An egress of matters unknown...
Yet, there remains a constant ...
The consistency of the written word ...
A consent to his desire ...
A consent to her desire ...
A consent to their aspirations ...
For expectations may dash to the ground...
Aspirations soar high ...
Like the kites that shall follow soon ...
Towards the blazing yet quintessentially beautiful golden Sun. #GoFigure 

Encapsulated ! #GoFigure

His smiling eyes...
A remembrance from a few days ago ...
A short but filled with heartache break ...
A realisation ...
Suddenly, he was all over then gone ...
In a jiffy her whole world collapsed ...
A world encapsulated with his voice ...
A voice that couldn't be forgotten ...
Resounding in her ears ...
Her mind captivated by the smile ...
She missed the boyish grin ...
The words ... What would the boys be thinking ...
It wasn't easy ...
Tearing herself away from the magnetic charisma ...
She says on this day ...
She certainly is ENCAPSULATED by his charm ...
She dreams to be held in those strong arms ...
Swooning over his voice belting out songs for her ...
His fingers caressing her hair...
Running in her hair...
Entwining themselves in the greys ...
A slight smile spreads across her face...
As she imagines him reading her ...
While entwined in his warm embrace ...
A pretty bold picture to think of ...
But, what the heck! ...
She gifts herself to the birthday boy ...
Take me as I am ...
You shall have no regrets ...
I swear, she says softly in his ears ...
Nibbling and tugging at his earlobes teasingly ...
Rest is for him to figure out in his imagination ! 

A strong woman #GoFigure

They see the mask ...
A put on ...
They see a strong woman ...
A very strong woman ...
They don't see the vulnerability ...
They don't see the tears ...
All they witness is ...
Their own perceptions ...
Perceptions based on their experiences ...
Or to put it in perspective ...
Their inexperiences ...
She has the mask firmly in place ...
For she believes some day ...
A knight would come ...
He would unmask her ...
He would peel off layers of decades ...
Of fear and apprehension ...
He would know the true her ! #GoFigure 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Shelling peas New Year's Eve ! #GoFigure

She's been shelling peas...
All of the last week of the last year...
New year's eve too spent shelling peas...
Because, while shelling peas she goes spiralling into her own world...
Immersed in her thoughts...
She wonders had it worked out ...
Where she would have been...
With whom, doing what ?
The world of imagination takes over ...
While shelling peas...
She's transported into a perfect world...
Of course, of her imagination ...
With the person she liked ...
Smitten as he seemed to be ...
That image remains in her eyes ...
She rewinds to the last few conversations in her head ...
The real ones...
His voice...
Heaving a sigh ...
She shakes it off ...
Both their egos on play ...
Demolished what could have been...
Lack of time or the distance ...
It could have been overcome...
But the lack of sensitivity on each one's part ...
Pulled them apart ...
Shelling peas, she looks beyond...
And yonders ...
It's a vast desert like the Rann of Kutch ...
Nothing for miles ...
She gets back to shelling peas ...
Freezing them for the year ahead ! #GoFigure