Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A much needed break...

The past year has made one feel differently about everything ...
Be it life or relations ...
Catapulted from a busy urbane life ...
To a life of laid-back attitude...
Nothing is permanent ...
Neither you nor another ...
What changes overnight; none can predict ...
So, might as well wake up smiling ...
Prepare your morning cuppa ...
Put up your legs on the ottoman ...
And, relax ...
Take the day as it comes ...
Work or no work ...
Enjoy your time away from the maddening crowd ...
Enjoy your sabbatical ...
Relish the joy of solitude ...
A lot ain't needed to be happy ...
A lot can happen in a moment ...
So, sit back and relax ...
Soak in the morning rays ...
Watch the various hues of the sunrise ...
You never know if it will be your last ! #GoFigure 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wassup Doc!

The sunset years are fun!
You meet lovely people along the way ...
The journey is full of anecdotes ...
Fun and frolic...
A few lovely moments...
My space, your space; talks...
But, eventually; a large entourage of smittened souls ...
All waiting to grab her attention...
It feels nice! 
Yes, surely it does...
It raises the self esteem...
The alter ego gets a boost ...
It's fun...
The journey into the silver sunset! 
Currently, there's a lot in the pocket ...
Willing to spill out ...
One being a Colonel...
A couple being Docs! 

The Reluctant Homeschooler!

The innocent yet clever eyes...
An eye for detail...
Eyes that saw through all...
The eyes of a child...
Yes, she melts upon seeing those eyes!
She wasn't ready for the new role...
The role of a Homeschooler...
But, she couldn't say no ...
She isn't the naysayer ...
To a new challenge ever !
Trying times have tried her patience...
It's tested her will...
And, finally she gave in to those ...
Beautiful eyes ...
The eyes that melt her heart! 

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Treading in uncharted waters... #GoFigure

A chance meeting...
And, sparks fly ...
Something stirs within...
And, a new story begins ...
This time round...
She's treading in uncharted waters...
A territory unknown...
An adventure of sorts...
Something that makes her wonder...
What a destiny! 
Somewhere deep down...
A desire unknown lurks...
That is coming forth for her...
Is the spark ignited in the other too?
She wonders! 
Does he feel the same ...
Or is it just a frivolous affair for him ?
A dilemma of sorts ...
For she's treading in uncharted waters ! 
The what if, keeps cropping up...
The why not, zips the lips ...
The heartbeat quickens at his thought...
What would you call that? 
An uncharted emotion ...
An uncharted feeling of sorts ...
She's in not backing out...
Come what may...
These are waters to be tested ...
For she's game for a new adventure...
A new territory to explore ! #GoFigure 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Moon and the marathon chat ... #GoFigure

Look at the moon, she said ...
He went to look at the moon ...
It was somewhere above his home ...
But, not in sight from his room...
He went across to the other end of his home...
And, there it was ...
In all its magnificent glory...
The whiteness of its light...
In the brightness of the night ...
A night to remember, he said ...
She softly whispered in unison...
Indeed, a night to remember...
Moonlighting thoughts...
Tiptoeing in the mind...
In the silence of the night ...
Something stirred ...
And, love blossomed...
Is it? Said the radical and logical mind ...
I guess so, said the hopeless romantic in her...
She shrugged the thought away...
But, somewhere deep within...
Something did stir ...
What is it? 
Only time can tell ! 

Friday, July 17, 2020

The deep brooding eyes...

The deep brooding eyes look at her...
Through the veil of eyelashes...
He, the multitasking simple man...
She the amorous beauty...
He hates himself...
For going back to her all the time...
But, he has nothing to do ...
But, kill time...
So, a muse and timepass she is ...
To his boring life ...
She, the hopeless romantic as always...
Seeks love from a rock ...
A stone heart ...
Who can not express love at all...
Always with a frown onnhis brows ...
A downward drooping lips...
Hevis just passing his time ...
She allows him that time ...
For he's a lonely soul ...
A soul who can't express...
Because he's afraid to express...
He's afraid of being a hero ...
He knows not courage...
Always cautious...
So shallow in love...
The day he realises...
It will be too late and ...
She will be gone...
Way ahead ...
Not turning her back ...
As always...
Way way ahead of her times...
Way ahead of the ones left behind...
He will become another number...
A number in her list of hit and runs ...
The deep brooding eyes would never be...
Never be able to see her again...
They will search for her existence...
But, never catch a glimpse of the fading silhouette in the horizon again...

Ahead of her times...

She was always way ahead...
Ahead of her times ...
When people were still figuring out...
She had already figured out...
Be it science ...
Be it technology...
Be it the genetics...
And make up of your DNA ...
She was always and is always...
Way ahead of her times ...
Way way ahead of others ...
Yet, never in the rat race ...
When others caught up ...
She left the game ...
A loner...
A recluse ...
She walks alone as always...
Way way ahead of others...
People meet her along the way...
But none,
None can keep pace with her...
She's way ahead of her times...
She's way too ahead of others ...
It's a lonely journey ...
A lonely planet for her...
But, she's happy being in her own element...
In her solitude ...
Lies the solution...
She's in a place of rest ...
Others can never be ..

She's way ahead ...
Way way ahead of her times...

Monday, June 29, 2020

It isn't easy being ME ... #GoFigure

There's none that can fit in my shoes...
I have looked up and down...
High and low...
Yet, couldn't find a soul that could be ME...
It isn't easy being ME...
Find another who would leave a roaring career like me ...
Happy to live in the shadows ...
Happy being with another's child...
Yet, call them her own ...
It isn't easy being ME...
Through the highs and lows of life ...
I have survived...
Because I have the gay abandon of a child in me...
Am lost yet found in every innocent smile ...
That has crossed my path ...
It isn't easy to fit in my boots...
Many have tried and failed...
Because they had ulterior motives...
I have none...
It isn't easy being ME...
How many can boast of going to sleep...
Hearing the voice of a little one saying nighty night to you ?
How many receive a goodnight video of storytelling ...
From happy parents...
Proud parents...
Of a child who reads a bedtime story for ME...
It isn't easy being ME...
It's awesome being ME...
In continuation...