Saturday, September 5, 2020

Treading in uncharted waters... #GoFigure

A chance meeting...
And, sparks fly ...
Something stirs within...
And, a new story begins ...
This time round...
She's treading in uncharted waters...
A territory unknown...
An adventure of sorts...
Something that makes her wonder...
What a destiny! 
Somewhere deep down...
A desire unknown lurks...
That is coming forth for her...
Is the spark ignited in the other too?
She wonders! 
Does he feel the same ...
Or is it just a frivolous affair for him ?
A dilemma of sorts ...
For she's treading in uncharted waters ! 
The what if, keeps cropping up...
The why not, zips the lips ...
The heartbeat quickens at his thought...
What would you call that? 
An uncharted emotion ...
An uncharted feeling of sorts ...
She's in not backing out...
Come what may...
These are waters to be tested ...
For she's game for a new adventure...
A new territory to explore ! #GoFigure 

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