Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Moon and the marathon chat ... #GoFigure

Look at the moon, she said ...
He went to look at the moon ...
It was somewhere above his home ...
But, not in sight from his room...
He went across to the other end of his home...
And, there it was ...
In all its magnificent glory...
The whiteness of its light...
In the brightness of the night ...
A night to remember, he said ...
She softly whispered in unison...
Indeed, a night to remember...
Moonlighting thoughts...
Tiptoeing in the mind...
In the silence of the night ...
Something stirred ...
And, love blossomed...
Is it? Said the radical and logical mind ...
I guess so, said the hopeless romantic in her...
She shrugged the thought away...
But, somewhere deep within...
Something did stir ...
What is it? 
Only time can tell ! 

1 comment:

  1. Could spot Moon from my Goa home. Not from here
