Friday, April 10, 2020

A Simple Man...

The anti hero character...
Who calls himself...
The Simple Man...
She doesn't know why...
But, she fell in love with him...
The one who doesn't seem to care at times...
Yet, cares enough to connect once again...
When he feels he hasn't bid her goodnight...
Or when he feels he's hurt her...
That's when she knows...
He cares!
A Simple Man...
He doesn't know...
How to articulate his feelings...
A man subdued by his existence...
A man held back by his experience...
Yet, a simple man...
Man enough, to care ...
To hear her nagging voice...
Together they live their ...
Separate lives in far off cities..m
Yet, together they prepare tea ...
And, watch each other ...
Miles apart...
She extolls her feelings loud and clear...
He watches her lovingly...
With deep brooding eyes...
His eyes...
They give him away...
A simple man indeed! 

Saturday, April 4, 2020

To be in love yet not utter the word love... #GoFigure

To be in love ...
Yet, not be able to say ...
I love thee ...
For fear of the big bad world out there...
To get us somehow...
You, me or anyone...
People have no other business now ...
Just look into what others do ...
Great timepass for them...
What say!
I remember...
Being enamoured by your charm...
Your voice...
Still in my head ...
In every cell of my being ...
Just like I am...
Deep-seated in the cockles of your heart...
An imaginary love...
That turned into virtual reality...
A reality none of us can deny ...
Nor own up ...
For repurcussions would be unhealthy...
So, we keep our affair...
Wrapped within us ...
Lest we hurt the ones wevlove anyways...
This love in this lifetime...
Comes with shackles ...
Shackles which neither you nor I ...
Can break! 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Depression sets in...

I don't want to die without my boots on ...
I need to get back to school...
Virus or no virus...
Am missing the laughter of the little ones...
The gentle soft fingers ruffling my greys ...
The sweet uninhibited smiles...
The madness and chaos around...
I swear...
Every moment is cherished...
Am living in the glory of the past ...
Going crazy wondering what my little ones are upto...
Depression has set in ...
I don't know if I can survive another day cooped up like an imprisoned chick...
I need freedom ...
I need to get back to school...
I need to dance with my kids ...
I need to sing out aloud ...
I need to hug the bundles of joy ...
I need my kids!! 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Every time...

I have realised, that every time I have had an experience that has jolted my very existence, I have bounced back looking more beautiful. 
I guess it's the extra fine lines around my eyes, the eyes that look crystal clear after a good cry in the dark in solitude... Yes! I look like a colourful butterfly transformed from her larvae stage in the cocoon her self imposed exile ... Into a beautiful butterfly! 

Having fulfilled my responsibility as a daughter, sister, wife, daughter in law, and mother ... I have reached a stage in my journey to travel alone for myself now.  I know it will seem a bit arduous initially but I know one thing for sure, it will be a beautiful and adventurous journey too.

Every time, it has in the past been one beautiful journey, journaling which was fun... And am sure gonna enjoy the forthcoming journeys too EVERY TIME! 

Monday, January 13, 2020

An Ode To A Traveller... The Gourmet Gallivanted!

As they refer to him...
His friends and all and sundry ...
She met him on Facebook ...
She fell for his food and charms...
His words ...
He charmed his way into her head ...
And, heart of late ...
But, emotions apart ...
He stood apart from the rest ...
As the Knight in the Gourmet Avatar! 
Traversing the length and breadth of Earth...
In all his sixty springs of youth ...
Through the autumn of times ...
Warm and cozy winters ...
Drenched in the monsoons of life ...
He writes of his passionate affair with food ...
The images taken from his camera ...
Doing justice to the ones who lay the delights ...
On his table ...
Only to be immortalized by his eloquent description in words spoken and written...
And captured in his camera for the world to see...
He the gallavanting connoisseur ...
Of all things good and about food...
He the Adonis ...
The Gourmet Gallivanted!
Pechu's Planet ...
Has immortalized many a food joints ...
Social media abounds of the images and his travel deeds...
He has a way with words...
Waxing eloquent...
A thorough gentleman and a ladies man ...
He's won many a hearts ...
Through his words that speaketh of his passion...
For travel and food! 
His world of travel and ...
His words descriptive of his love for good food...
Attracted her ...
She fell head over heels in love ...
With his penchant for food and...
Exploration of the world beyond her imagination! 
The Bond of the World Cuisine ...
His stealth and mastery over wine ...
And fine fine ...
He sure can con a young nimble heart ...
Into being a starry eyed nymph.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

What to wear!

The only #Dilemma in my life is , WHAT DO I WEAR TODAY? 
I can't seem to zero in on a dress for the day especially on a #Sunday ... Aaarrggghhh! Decision making is such a daunting task where clothes are concerned! 🙈
It's not that am wanting for the threads ... 
I have plenty...
Enough to cloth many...
People ask me for my clothes...
If they can fit into them...
I seldom repeat my clothes in the same season...
I may repeat the next year...
Same season...
If I can find my clothes in the pile up ...
At home...
In the steel trunks ...
The many cupboards...
And the carrybags under the beds...
It's a dilemma for sure...
What to wear ...
Especially if it's a holiday and am going out...
Whilst at home...
My birthday suit is the best bet...
Then there's no dilemma 🤪

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Saintly Sins...

A very different kind of sin...
The desires and yearning...
Of one who seemed frigid in a glance...
Frail in another...
Yet, so full of life ...
A vibrant nature...
Albeit, a sinner...
A saintly sin committed...
She laughed at her demeanor...
A meaningful stance she took...
A plunge into the unknown depths...
Of love she traversed...
Hurtling down the dark alleyway...
The darkness engulfing her...
A negative G thrust...
A feeling hitherto alien...
Yet, an aura surrounds her...
She committed her sin...
A Saintly Sin ...
A smug smile on her lips...
She turned around...
Thinking of the sin...
A Saintly Sin...
She took flight...
Spreading her wings far and wide. #GoFigure

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Raising a Toast ...

To all those ...
That never lived to see another daylight ...
She raises a toast ...
To the ones ...
Whom fate meted out her justice!
Go figure the numbers ...
The ones who were unjust ...
She is just an unjust lady ...
Seeking justice for the wrong done.
Go Figure ...
The pain of the one ...
Who gave selflessly ...
Only to be looted by the ones she trusted ...
The wail of her soundless cries ...
They echo through the night...
Raising hell in Heaven and Earth ...
Oh Yes!
See the end result ...
A heart attack here and there...
A cardiac arrest to name a few ...
A few hanging deadbeat bodies ...
The fans a witness to their pain ...
Never hurt a selfless soul ...
For justice today ...
Is done here and here only on Earth ...
You suffer your hell here ...
You can not fathom the pain...
It is here that her justice is given ...
It is here that you face her truth ...
An unjust lady seeking justice ...
Do not cross paths with her ...
For she is the cat clad in black ...
With magic in her footsteps ....
Raising a toast to the moon above ...
She wails yet again ...
The dawn tomorrow shall bring ...
The death of yet another beastly soul.