Monday, January 13, 2020

An Ode To A Traveller... The Gourmet Gallivanted!

As they refer to him...
His friends and all and sundry ...
She met him on Facebook ...
She fell for his food and charms...
His words ...
He charmed his way into her head ...
And, heart of late ...
But, emotions apart ...
He stood apart from the rest ...
As the Knight in the Gourmet Avatar! 
Traversing the length and breadth of Earth...
In all his sixty springs of youth ...
Through the autumn of times ...
Warm and cozy winters ...
Drenched in the monsoons of life ...
He writes of his passionate affair with food ...
The images taken from his camera ...
Doing justice to the ones who lay the delights ...
On his table ...
Only to be immortalized by his eloquent description in words spoken and written...
And captured in his camera for the world to see...
He the gallavanting connoisseur ...
Of all things good and about food...
He the Adonis ...
The Gourmet Gallivanted!
Pechu's Planet ...
Has immortalized many a food joints ...
Social media abounds of the images and his travel deeds...
He has a way with words...
Waxing eloquent...
A thorough gentleman and a ladies man ...
He's won many a hearts ...
Through his words that speaketh of his passion...
For travel and food! 
His world of travel and ...
His words descriptive of his love for good food...
Attracted her ...
She fell head over heels in love ...
With his penchant for food and...
Exploration of the world beyond her imagination! 
The Bond of the World Cuisine ...
His stealth and mastery over wine ...
And fine fine ...
He sure can con a young nimble heart ...
Into being a starry eyed nymph.

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