Sunday, January 12, 2020

What to wear!

The only #Dilemma in my life is , WHAT DO I WEAR TODAY? 
I can't seem to zero in on a dress for the day especially on a #Sunday ... Aaarrggghhh! Decision making is such a daunting task where clothes are concerned! 🙈
It's not that am wanting for the threads ... 
I have plenty...
Enough to cloth many...
People ask me for my clothes...
If they can fit into them...
I seldom repeat my clothes in the same season...
I may repeat the next year...
Same season...
If I can find my clothes in the pile up ...
At home...
In the steel trunks ...
The many cupboards...
And the carrybags under the beds...
It's a dilemma for sure...
What to wear ...
Especially if it's a holiday and am going out...
Whilst at home...
My birthday suit is the best bet...
Then there's no dilemma 🤪

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