Friday, September 28, 2018

Grey blue eyes...

Grey blue eyes ...
Deep set in their gaze ...
A pertinent intense gaze...
And, she melts.

He said, look at my eyes...
Look into them...
Do you see the fierceness?
Do you feel scared?

Look deep, and you shall find ...
They hide nothing...
Yet, they give away nothing.

She falls head over heels ...
For those steely grey blue eyes...
The intensity scorching her...
Feeling the heat ...
She sighs ...
Takes a deep breath and...
Moves away.

To fall in love again isn't what she seeks...
She must move farther away...
She must do other things...
To keep busy...
Not fall in love again.

The cold , grey blue eyes beckon her...
She shuts the voice within...
She picks her hand bag...
And, moves out of his office...
Not turning around...
Lest she falls in love with him.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Thundering Typhoons

All is destroyed in it's path...
The Thundering Typhoon...
In it's wake ...
It sweeps along everything...
All the moments are destroyed...
So is destroyed sanity ...
Uneasy and restless...
The thunder deafening...
Locking out all other voices...
The anger within...
Destroying everything in it's wake.

Thundering Typhoons...
Every ounce of her being...
Swept away in that moment of anger...
She lost it ...
For betrayed she felt ...
By the one she trusted the most...
Left in the lurch ...
The woman's fury knew no bounds ...
She turned away from her charitable self ...
She moved into a trance like state ...
The fuming within ...
A furnace of fire ...
Sweeping every ounce of her faith away...
A taciturn moment...
A reckoning of sorts ...
She turned her wrath on the one ...
The one who betrayed her.

Thundering Typhoons...
Blistering every bit of her ...
Sized up to her perpetrator...
She turned to a flaming stone.

To be continued...

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

One click at a time...

Deleting memories...
One click at a time.

Every moment conceivable...
Every moment spent in those arms...
Every moment looking into those eyes...
Every moment...
Deleting memories...
One click at a time.

Those moments seem transient now ...
Nothing remains but a dull ache ...
A what if ...
And where did they go wrong?
Deleting memories...
One click at a time.

Those moments of happiness...
Planning a future together...
Dreams big and small...
Beautiful memories...
The long winding drives...
The walks on promenades...
The hushed whispers...
The huddled hugs...
The cuddled moments...
Now just memories...
Deleting memories...
One click at a time.

The impermanence of vows...
The nonchalant attitude...
The falsehood of promises ...
The trust broken...
Deleting memories...
Painful memories...
One click at a time.

A sigh escapes...
Escalating the ache within...
A deep breath and...
A click...
Just another memory deleted...
One more time.

Saturday, September 15, 2018


Walking down the memory lane...
She's mindful of the steps she takes...
Leat she stumble upon a block...
A hurdle...
An impediment upon her progress...
She's MINDFUL...
Lest she hurts the ones who hurt her...
She's forgiven them their atrocities...
She's not forgotten though.

Mindfulness is what she practices ..
Mindfulness is a way of life.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Splintered sunbeams

The rays breaking through the grey clouds...
Orange yellow horizon...
A purple Haze here and there...
Splintered sunbeams from the sky...
A sight so beautiful...
So melancholy...
Yet so mesmerizing.

The scene reminds her of passion...
The happiness of being herself...
A free kindered spirit...
Floating through life.

The sunbeams reaching her...
Touching her skin...
A glow on her face ...
Splintered yet beautiful...
Broken yet whole.

An aura of peace envelopes her...
A new Dawn breaks ...
She smiles to herself...
Content after a full night's sleep.

Splintered sunbeams streaming through the sky ...
She smiles ...
Content in her World.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

No Dreams, no nightmares; just Ground Reality

She writes no dreams...
She paints no rosy pictures...
No nightmares to talk about ...
No path to chalk...
Just plain reality...
Ground reality...
Her own reality.

There is no two ways...
Just her words and her experience...
Her World ...
Her reality.

She pens her thoughts...
Emerging from her experiences...
Experiences good and bad ...
But her experiences...
What she went through...
What she faced...
How she got over it...
How she took it in her stride...
How she let go...
How she moved on...
Her ground reality.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Derring do...

Getting lost in sheroic tales of love and woes ...
All sorts of Shenanigans...
Derring dos a part of life ...
She starts reimagining.

As a she warrior on the emotional front...
She has lots to keep her occupied...
Her mind a treasure trove of ideas...
Her heart set upon one...
She sashays into places unknown...
Places kept locked...
Unlocking the prisms of reality ...
She is her own heroine.

Her Derring dos talk of the Town...
Hushed whispers...
Eyes following her moves...
She smiles to herself...
Dons her beanie and ...
Hope into a waiting cab.

They whisper...
When will she return...
She throws back a look and...
Says , Never.

The heroine of her own tales...
The Shero of her own life...
She flexes her biceps...
And gets those hamstrings moving.

With a deep breath inhaled...
She gulps down her insecurities...
They don't exist anymore...
For she rises from her ashes yet again...
Her shenanigans and Derring dos...
In her list to do.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Hands of destiny

We are but puppets in the hands of destiny.
What would happen when is not known.
It's the moment that we are in, we must live;
For there is no tomorrow.
What will happen tomorrow is not known.
The twist that fate takes ...
Is a very cruel twist
The blow dealt by fate ,
Some succumb to it ,
Some go with the flow,
And some,
Drown in that deep swirling river.
An untimely,
Unexpected death awaits us ...
Awaits us menacingly,
Looming large ,
With a gaping mouth,
Dark constellations within.
We are but puppets in the hands of fate ...
Our destiny not known.