Sunday, September 2, 2018

Remembering the vagabond days ...

They met one new year's Eve, online ; Yes! On an online dating site #Tinder , Little did they know , that one virtual reality meeting would change everything for them, turn their lives upside down.

The online chat led to an exchange of their mobile numbers.

The next pitstop was WhatsApp chat . It went on till 5:30 am into the New year 2018. They weren't sleepy, they were totally engrossed in singing their hearts out; Retro Hindi songs ... Sharing YouTube links of favourite songs. He sings in a group so he shared his songs, YouTube links.

They didn't want to part yet they did.
One whole day went by, each waiting for the other to connect. Finally, he couldn't resist and connected and they were like teenagers on their first crush.

They decided to meet. Meet they did, at Agent Jack ... Then they went all around the town to various pubs and ended the whirlwind date at Tap Andheri West at 4 am in the wee hours of the next day. Pure, sinless partying ... Just a kiss !! One kiss and they knew they were falling for each other. They parted ways and went to their own respective homes.

They would chat over calls and messages and meet often and go galavanting around the town. Pure love and freshness of a true friendship blossoming into love.

Going to Pizza by the way and on the way out rushing into a double decker bus waiting at the circle going towards NCPA  Nariman point. Ah! Wild streak exposed. Getting off the bus and hailing a kaali peeli taxi ... And a cab ride through South Bombay via Victoria Terminus now CST to lower parel ... Vegetarian pasta by mistake in a small restaurant and then the Lounge on the 37th floor of St. Regis. They were crazy and in love.

They booked a room at Ramada Plaza hotel at Juhu and cabbed it till there and the night was wild. Real wild ... morning after a hearty breakfast buffet and steamy love making they parted ways.

The phone calls and messaging continued with sweet nothings.

One day while at work...
In the afternoon, he arrived at her workplace and whisked her off to Daman ... They watched the sun set and Cidade Daman was booked.

To be continued...

When you have a crush on your Doctor!

She  is bubbly and smiling ...
Listening to medical advice from her Doctor all the time...
But the Crux of the matter is ...
She is repeatedly listening to the voice messages ...
Over and over again ...
No, not to understand the INSTRUCTIONS...
Which are very clear ...
But, his voice ...
She's crazy about his voice...
Just as much as she's crazy about his eyes...
Mesmerizing cool eyes...
Hypnotizing eyes...
Eyes in which she drowns ...
Loses herself every time she meets him...
She sits dutifully in front of him ...
He lectures her ...
And she just drowns deeper into his eyes...

The nieces and nephews whisper...
She's having a crush on her Doctor ...
She blushes and hides behind a curtain.

She dutifully reports her food diet to him ...
Come hail or thunderstorm...
She waits for his voice message...
Just to hear his voice...
Soft, but stern ... So sexy...
What a Doctor!
He knows everything about her...
Even before she utters a word ...
She gets butterflies in her tummy ...
As the moment draws near to meet him ...
Crush or no crush...
She's crazy about him...
He's the one who is stronger than her.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Her own private hell...

She the protagonist...
Her life ...
Her hell...
Her triumphs ...
Her tribulations...
Every moment to remember...
Every moment to tear apart ...
A carefree life ...
Snuffed out for selfish reasons ...
Does man know no limit...
No limit to his atrocities?

She bears the scar...
With a smile ...
One that defies gravity ...
Uplifting spirits of others...
Her life a story ...
A script ...
Of neverending episodes of a serial ...
Meticulously planned out ...
For a saga to be told.

The Staircase ...

It has seen it all...
The Staircase ...
It surely has seen it all.

It's her Haven ...
Her all purpose emotional battering ground...
A twenty something steps ...
That see her descending them with aplomb...
A panache' , a style ...
And posing ...
While being clicked away ...
Or videographed each morning.

The Staircase her laughometer...
Her happiness calculator...
It has seen her happy , smiling, dancing ...
The Staircase has seen her sad too...
When heartbroken...
Her heavy leaden steps ...
Dragging herself up and down ...
A sadness and grief visible to all and sundry.

The Staircase has seen her at her best ...
The Staircase has seen her at her worst ...
The Staircase knows it all ...
Her only companion in the years known to her ...
It reads her ...
It feels her.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

She said nothing...

She said nothing and ...
She walked away...

She said " Nothing" ...
She walked away ...
He was getting off to accompany her home...
She stopped him and said...
She said nothing at all...
She just walked away.

In her silence lay her answer.

The Storm of Madness...

It raged ...
It snuffed a life ...
The storm of madness ...
It raged.

Flames engulfed her ...
Tight in their embrace ...
She struggled...
She wriggled ...
Trying to break free...
The storm...
The storm of madness raged ...
It raged high and low...
It burnt her to the core...
The soul searching for solace ...
Searching for an answer...
To this day ...
No reply ...
What was her fault?

In the madness that came...
With the storm...
She was swept away...
Far far away from the maddening crowd...
Far away from the deafening noise...
She had to cull the noise within...
She slit what she thought was best ...
To release her for eternity...
From the Storm of madness...
A life was snuffed out.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Why do you read her?

She's left the past behind...
Long ago ...
Why do you read her now?

There are no memories to share ...
Just nightmares that recur.

Why do you read her?
She's just a ghost from the past ...
Let her remain in vapour form...
She's just a wisp of days gone by ...
Bygone days should bring a smile on your lips ...
The tears are long dried.

Why do you read her Lamentations?
Those are her musings on a rainy day ...
The rains washed the streak lines along her cheeks, long ago.

Why, oh why?

They are just memories ...
Rewinding and replaying...
Images of a bygone era...
Nothing else ...
For nothing remains but our memories...
To torment us sometimes...
That's all, just memories...
Erased ...
Yet, traces remain.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Liar, laying in the lair ...

The fox, the cunning fox...
He stole her moments...
He snatched her happiness...
Hidden in his lair...
He pounces on catches unaware...
The liar...
The cheat ...
The lying fox...
Liar, laying stealthily in his lair ...
He watches for prey ...
He uses them ...
And, then he trots away ...
The grapes are sour.