Monday, May 14, 2018

Why does he read her?

Is he guilty of something? 
Was he instrumental in flaring her temper, so he could cite that as incompatibility factor?
Is he reading to find what his action has made her do?

Or, is he just reading coz' he is plain outright guilty for outraging her modesty and then running away like a rat scurrying along a dark alleyway?
His reasons , he knows best ...
All she knows is that ...
He ran away ...
Instead of being a man he boasted to be ...
He ran away like a coward...
What is it with her and cowards ?

God knows his ways ...
Getting such cowards in her life ...
Making her happy temporarily and then ...
Vamoosh ...
They disappear ...
Suddenly they remember they have a life ...
They have a society to show their face to ...
They can't commit to her ...
They can't remain loyal to her ...
Suddenly her greys matter ...
Both on the scalp and within ...
Suddenly , she is too high and mighty ...
Her ego surfaces for them to complain about ...
Suddenly, she doesn't seem so appeasing to them ...
What a hypocrite!!!

Why does he read her?
He reads to read her mind ...
Little knowing that its a web of words and nothing else that she spins.

Anger within...

They ask , why does she eat so much...
She replies to curb the anger within...
She sleeps for hours in a delirious state...
For she has been wronged ...
She floats above her mortal being...
Watching the helpless being...
It angers her ...
It really sets her in another direction...
The betrayal by a loved one ...
Using her like a tampon and then discarding her like one ...
For all his sweet words ...
He never owned her up in public...
Maintaining a low profile lest others know of his dalliance...
And she, like a fool in love ...
Listened to his lies...
Believing his lies as real ...
Not realizing that the beast was just using her as a means to an end.

Oh! What a realization, and at what cost...
Her trust broken...
Her faith lost ...
Tattered and torn pride ...
Asking for justice...
But to whom ...
She was but a fool ...
To have believed his lies...
His blatant lies ...
Now she roams around like a zombie...
Alive yet dead ...
Her feelings shattered ...
Her dreams broken...
Whilst he enjoys his life elsewhere.

Where did she go wrong in loving him unconditionally?
Where did she falter in her belief?
Why did he do this? What was his motive?

She's lost faith in herself...
Not knowing what to do...
No face to show to anyone...
In front of whom she would boast ...
Of his undying love for her ...
Neither love nor him beside her ...
She walks limply...
Head bowed in shame ...
Disgust apparent in each step..

Despair reaching a crescendo...
They say she has lost it ...
Her mind a mumbo jumbo...
Of incoherent thoughts...
Nothing seems good...
Nothing seems real ...
She's lost to herself too...
Lost forever in a dark abyss.

So easy ...

Isn't it so easy to ...
Break off ...
Citing flaws in her ...
Rather than saying you are fed up of having the same old food each day?

Isn't it easy to let go... So you can taste new ones and satisfy your libido once again?

Yes you, the one reading her ...
Keeping an eye on her written words lest they mention you ...
Well! She ain't like you...
No, she isn't selfish..m
She's fiercely proud but not an egoistic fool like you ...
You are the selfish fool who has played his cards well...
You got the best of both the world's ...
You wanted to leave ..
So you created a situation...
Where she would react ...
And you could blame her and move on to the next one.

You have your brains between your legs...
What tickles you there ...
Takes your fancy ...
God forbid! You really are worthy of the wrath of the heaven above ...
Sad that you should show your true colours shooting from her shoulders.

In reality, you don't deserve happiness at all...
You only Know how to use people...
For your ulterior gains ...
You are a shameless being ...
Not even acknowledging your own wrongfulness.

Blaming a woman for things going wrong is so passe' ...
Look into the mirror and see that beast lurking behind your false exterior...

Men, never trust them ...

Her little ones...

Her little ones, now grown up ...
Yet still, pamper her like a child ...
A spoilt brat is what she is referred to as...
She has no qualms calling herself the same too.

Her little ones, now grown up...
Know every inch of her being...
They can fathom every move she's about to make...
They can read her mind.

Her little ones, now grown up...
Dread her falling yet again in love ...
For they know...
She's unlucky in love ...
Yet again,
She's moved on from an affair gone awry...
They dread her mood swings...
They dread her solitude...
They dread the pain and ache of heartbreak for her...
They sedate her...
They keep her numb...
They let the liquor overflow...
For that keeps her from wailing her heart out.

Her little ones, now grown up...
Dread to see her aching...
She tries hard ...
To hide the pain...
Swallows the tears...
Yet they sense it all.

Her little ones...

Every time...

Every time she ends a book ,
She moves on...
Every time she ends a relationship she moves on .
How does one predict one from another?
With the book...she places it in her library...
Relationship, she writes about.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Challenge her and ...

Challenge her and she will outwit you ...
Surprise her and she will surprise you too.

Love her and she will love you back more than you can imagine...
Scorn her and she will dump you right there and then...
#GoFigure the woman out ...
She isn't going to wait for you...
She is eveready to walk out bag and baggage...
Her stillettos shining bright...
She's a fiercely independent woman...
She's no doormat you need.

Inspire her and she will colour your world in rainbow hues...
Respect her and she will lay her life for you ...
Don't challenge her ...
For she will drown you in your sublime alpha male ego #GoFigure

Closing yet another chapter...

Well engrossed in reading the book of her life...
She didn't realize yet another chapter in the book was coming to an end ...
When it did ...
It emptied her of all emotions...
Left her barren and stupefied...
An emptiness,words cannot describe...
Now, where did she go wrong?
All she did was swallow her pride and please the character...
Just because she took a stand ...
She became uninteresting...
How stupendously horrendous thought...
But the chapter closed ...
Her character had to close it and call it quits...
There was nothing left to salvage in one sided give give and give ...
The relationship had to end ..m
It ended ...
Making her butter very bitter ...
That she decided to end her book ...
The chapter became the last chapter of her book...

Friday, May 11, 2018


You start. Cherishing life...
When there's none to live...
An existence becomes meaningful...
Where no meaning existed...
Life comes one full circle...
When everything goes round and round...  #Gofigure the perspective.