Sunday, June 22, 2014

Shreeman Shreemati Duffer ...

An abomination of one's imagination ...

Miles apart ...
Yet so near...
They meet in their common imagination ...
In a World of their own ...
A virtual reality created ...
Transcending all other realities.

They meet ...
The man and the woman ...
To express their love ...
Their feelings ...
Their desires ..
Everyday affairs ...
Literally, everything under the sky...
Pure uninitiated love for now ...
Two souls just bonding.

Two souls from time immemorial ...
Loving each other...
Craving to embrace ...
Yet, an inhibition ...
Setting them apart ...
Ah! The clever ones in Worldly dealings ...
Yet, duffers in love ...
Meet the Duffers...
Mrs and Mr Duffer...
Shreemati and Shreeman Duffer.

They laugh at every little happiness they can gather...
They smile at each others antics ...
She gets angry ...
He pacifies her ...
Lovers in a virtual World ...
They are happy there.
The worldly pleasures and pain ...
Least affect this lovers paradise...
For they have crossed the lines ...
From beyond which ....
They remain unaffected by anyone ...
If they meet Love wins ...
If they don't ...
Love ain't a loser.

Shreeman and Shreemati Duffer ...
Waiting to make it a reality.
Virtual to Real...
Just a matter of time!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Providence speaks ...

And, thus spake Providence ...
Of matters of the heart ...
Of mind and matter...
When the heart said it is love ...
Providence said , Nay...
Just a figment of your imagination.

When the heart skipped a beat ...
Providence  raised an eyebrow.
When the heart sighed ...
Providence flared up ...
Saying Nay again.

When will the heart ...
Be freed of the shackles ...
That Providence has tied it in?

When will the heart ever ...
Make up its mind over the ...
Matter of Providence?

When will emotions really flow ...
From where Providence resides?

When will freedom be the ...
The boon of love ?

Ah! The curse that the heart has been set upon ...
Providence the fore bearer of its truth.

In the depth of a bleeding heart ...
One finds the dagger of Providence.
Isn't that proof enough ...
To punish the sins of Providence?

Ah ! The dagger ...
Providence left no prints upon it.

So, ye come forth my slave...
Thus, spake Providence ...
looking at a morose heart ...
Melancholy strings playing...
Far away in some place ...
But, deep within in the heart ...
Smoulder the ashes of a ...
Bleeding Heart.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Crush of '86 ... A Love Story that never Began, will never End ...

A sly smile on my lips when all relate me to him...
A love story that never began , that will never end .

Looking lovingly , flitting between mathematical formulas...
Two hearts met, but never confessed ...
A dilemma eating into them ...
Waiting for one another to make the move first .

Destiny set them apart ...
She left , he grieved ...
Thinking she had forgotten him ...
She was bereaved ...
She bled ...
Lead a life of utter neglect ...
But, destiny had other plans too.

Destiny brought them together ...
They met ...
Yet shy even as adults ...
Ageing yet still totally in Love ...
They kept quiet again.

Each yearning to hug another ...
Each yearning for that first kiss ...
Yet both shy in their own embrace ...
Parted again but with story told.

It is a true story ...
Ever to be told ...
Of True love kept on hold ...
For both have lives to live ...
Loved ones to answer to.

So, their love remains ...
A mute spectator forever ...
Of emotions kept at bay ...
Words unfurled but ...
Promises never made.

The Crush of 1986 ...
A Love story that never began ...
But, shall never end too.

The Love Bug Returns ...

Full Swing!

A total turn about of 360 Degrees, The Love Bug Returns to bug me again.

No, am not averse to welcoming it back in my life , but am afraid of losing it  for destiny doesn't seem to have remembered to put Love in my kitty.

The dilemma is , should I or shouldn't I commit myself to the cardinal sin again. Eternal dilemma it seems as seconds tick by and I desperately want to be hugged by the bug.

Looking hither tither , Mind wandering through a meandering course of Yes and Nos; I seek divine intervention. Let me not sin O' Lord , but I too deserve happiness, for I too deserve joy, For I too deserve insurmountable true love.

But, then I look back upon my past and I know, what sin another committed to make me come to such a state, I should not commit myself .... for a lot of lives are affected, innocent ones lose their childhood, Faithful ones become infidel and bitter.

No, I prefer my solitude and reclusive life to the basic instinct of selfish Love. let the Bug pass by , am content in the knowledge that He truly loved me , loves me and shall love me forever. Forgive me the sin of the thought of committing a sin for I shall sin never; the Bug can crave but never be satisfied , that is the very epitome of True Love, one that sacrifices for the better of another.

Our Love shall grow fonder and stronger but never weaker and cheaper.

The Love Bug Returns , only to be turned away...

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The French Connection ... Tripathi

Why does it keep cropping up? The French Connection ....

Gosh! Get over and done with it Dr. Tripathi. Go, get a life and stop stalking me.

Move on Buddy. You are a coward and cowards are not my types at all. A man, so called man, who doesn't even use his real identity on Social networking sites; one who cannot stand for the beliefs he so vehemently proposes in social media, expectations from the Government , when you yourself are a spineless fool.

Dr, ChandraShekharPati Tripathi , as you have said so you are go get a grip on your weaknesses and harness them and for once be a man rather than stalking a woman who ain't no threat to you and never was. You played dirty , you were the impersonator, which you still are . We don't need no Sherlock Holmes to prove you are a vain villain. You are nothing but an opportunist bastard.

Be it Belgium or France or Germany, wherever you are travelling or your cronies , I am aware of your movements and your actions. Do not despair, yes you failed where virility and being a man is concerned. You are nothing but a sterile impotent nincompoop.

So, the Indian who has run away from his Country and proclaiming to be in Gujarat ... please stop fooling yourself  or for that matter other people and Governments ... as I am not fooled by your tall claims.

Stay away , for you are NOT A MAN.

One full circle ... Memories

Life comes one full circle , when ghosts of the past emerge and stand right there  in front of you. memories come flooding back . looming large in front of your eyes like the reels of a movie  whirring on , slide after slide.

What a moment of surprise! And, one thinks. is it a dream or am I drunk?

A blast from the past that never materialized yet left an impact deep enough to wish for a chance later. Wishful thinking  of course! For we all move on and times change, feelings change .... nothing remains the same anyways.

WE have all come a long way . Twenty eight years , literally a lifetime. Isn't it ironical, that we should meet under the circumstances that we are living and breathing? What  does Destiny really do? Tear you apart, Rip the flesh off you and expose every sinew and muscle that you possess , good or bad to the whole World.

Destiny, brings everything One full circle ; we meet them all at least once to say what was left unsaid .... words unsaid that changed the History of our lives ... changed the very destiny.

But, no regrets; it is nice to see old friends happy and doing well and knowing the fact that you have met once again to complete the incomplete sentences ... to have no regrets ever.

One full circle .... History revisits and nostalgia takes over the reins of emotions.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Quantitatively qualitative analysis of emotions ...


The very bane of human existence or for that matter a definite expression of what one feels within.
Whatever be, they wreak havoc on us if not positive or they make our World seem brighter when positive.

Who decides the nature of Emotions? Negative or positive ... the dosage that one ought to get of this myriad collection of data that defines our behaviour.

Who quantifies the quality that needs to be exhibited by the species called Humans?

How much of emotions is needed for our existence, co existence or even to bring about our extinction from the face of Earth?

A constant query in our minds... a veritable Pandora's Box all set to be opened and exposed. Emotions , they can make us or break us. They rule our lives. Good or bad, they shape us, our thoughts and our personalities. No one can be pried away from this boon or bane. WE all suffer in the hands of emotions. The level differs from person to person depending on our capacity to take on the pain or joy.

Generally, we tend to be more prone to the negative effects. How to negate the effect of pain and the ache felt by us? How to overlook the happiness that envelopes us when something happens for our good? 

But, quantifying the quality is difficult. He who has written our destinies, our part in the script of life has already decided the amount of emotions and the types that we feel.

Looking from an observer's point of view, All I see  is a hilarious situation, where though one wants to cry, one smiles through the pain for one knows not what comes net in the script of her life. Why make moments happen, only to take them away? Why make people meet , only to separate them because someone else isn't happy in their happiness? Why give pain to some and joy to others? Why this in-equilibrium?

There isn't a set answer. There ain't no solution. For the Scriptwriter has his or her idiosyncrasies and does as he pleases ... so to say has to balance it out; so gives a few all. and none to others.

Not an easy task I guess, for the One that wears the Crown of the Supreme Power. His/ Her dilemma quite evident, so just numb the feelings, don't express and walk on like a Zombie  unaffected by the throes and chaos of the World we live in. 

Yup! Easier said than done. No one can Quantitatively set a Quality for emotions ... for it is a part of our Destiny already written. 

Is there anyone who will change this destiny? Who has the courage to fight the almighty to get what he or she wants? I know, am a fighter and have always fought for it , but where to find someone who too believes in the same ethos?

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Real Man ...

He who claims to be a Real Man ...
Is he really  Real?
Is he really a Man?
Is he really a  Real Man?

So easy to refer to oneself...
As being a Real Man ...
When reality speaks something else ...
Your actions define you ...
And, they in no way ...Point towards you being Real ...
Leave alone a Man for that matter.

I know, these words will hurt you ...
Am hurting too ...
But, this is the Real truth about you.

A real man never ...
Never I repeat ...
Evokes feelings in a woman ...
And, then tells her he loves another.
No, he doesn't hurt anyone ...
Leave alone his own hurting heart.

A Real man ...
Never hurts the others feelings ...
On the onset he tells her who he is ...
What he is ...
\What his take is on life ...
Whom he waits upon ...
Rather than making her dream ...
And, then dropping her like hot cake ...
As he isn't sure of himself ....
If you aren't sure of yourself ...
How can you be a Real Man?

How Real are you?
Really ... Just look in the mirror and ask yourself.