Sunday, October 27, 2013

Funny funny Monkey ...

The ticklish part ...
In any body is the funny bone ...
I am the funny funny Monkey ...
With fun  in my thoughts ...
Fun all the way ...
Immersed in pun ...
Right till the Bottoms Up ...

Bragging my achievements ..
Nah , that's not funny at all ...
Making a dig at someone with my elbow ;-) ...
Yes, that's what I am all about ...
Funny funny Monkey ...
All the way.

The occasional snigger...
Raised eyebrow ..
Not mine to worry about ...
A smug smile on my lips ...
Is all I am all about.

Funny funny Monkey ...
Is all monkeying here is all about ;-)

A Seasoned Lover ...

No more spices to be added ...
He is but a Seasoned Lover ...
Yesterday it was someone else and...
Today some other fool.

He is a Seasoned Lover ...
So many seasons ...
Has he spent ...
Each season a different maid ...
A different take each time ...
A different face to fake.

A seasoned lover he is ...
A new mask he wears ...
Each time he sees a new damsel ...
That takes his fancy ...
He dumps the old stalemate.

A seasoned lover he truly is ...
What's his choice this Winter...
To keep him warm ...
The Chicken soup to his Soul...
A temporary relief ...
A release of aroma of a different kind.

A seasoned lover he is ...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Conversations I have with myself ...

Lots of banter and bashing ...
Plenty of wishful thinking ...
Feelings of joy and ....
A Touch of sadness here and there ...
These are a couple of ...
Conversations I have with myself.

Small talk...
But profound ....
They keep me busy and occupied ...
What if I had done it this way ...
What if I had done it that way ...
So many ifs and buts ...
But a thread of convo indeed.

It's like a whole truckload of musings ...
Lots of nonsense that ultimate make sense...
At least am capable ...
Of putting it down here...
Penning my thoughts ...
For when Am no more ...
My little ones will know me more.

Time has stood still for me ..
Eons of years ago ...
I still stand by the bay ...
In my thoughts ...
Letting the winds of time sway ...
The Skirt billowing ....
The wind swept hair ...
The drops of sea mist in the air ...
Feeling it all in my thoughts ...
Conversations I have with myself.

I dream of a school of thought ...
A place that allows ...
Children to be kids ...
Childhood never taken away ...
A rebel of sorts ...
I sway the bastions of Education ...
A system that ruins us all.

Conversations I have with myself ...
Keep me busy ....
Otherwise I would have languished ...
In the perennial quest ...
Of seeking myself ...
Hiding behind a Man.

A decision taken ....
A Whole new World opened ...
Lying wide open...
Ahead of me ...
A vast ocean ....
All I need is to take another plunge ...
Seek a new direction ...
Else stay put and fade away ...
I would rather ...
Have a conversation with myself...
And move into another dimension ...
Seeking another sense of joy...
A place of worship for the mind ...
A place untouched by mankind.

Conversations I have with myself ...
Make me who I am.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Black Dahlia

He proposed to her ...
A dark proposal ...
He fed her stories ...
Cooked up stories ...
Made up memories ...
He presented her ...
With a 'Black Dahlia' ...
The kind  that bleeds ...
Bleeds your heart out ...
You die a thousand deaths ...
You live a Millennium ...
Yet you are the living Dead.

He gave a Black Dahlia to her ...
He took her rosy red heart ...
The pink hue of her cheeks ...
All turned pale ...
A ghastly Ghost she turned ...
She awaits ...
In the annals of the deep forest ....
Awaits his return.

The Black Dahlia ...
In her hand ....
The dark fantasies vivid ...
She waits ...For the one ...
Who gave her the Black Dahlia.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Dreams are Delicate ...

Wish life were as simple as we think ...
What's the harm in dreaming?
Life is simple...
We make it complicated ...
Dream on my Love ....
In Dreams ...
We are the  Kings  and  Queens ...
We are the pawns in real life ...
Director of our destiny unknown.

Dreams are indeed delicate ...
Emotions welling up deep within ...
Dreams are were we meet ...
Dreams perish ...
We don't ...
We move on ....
Dreams turning to nightmares ...
Visions that flash ...
And, gone in a moment ...
Memories of sweet talks ...
Whispers of sweet nothings ...
Yet, we Dream on ...
Hoping someday ...
Life were as simple as a wish ...
As flamboyant as a Dream.

Our Dreams make us ... Or Break us ...
But, Dream on my love ...
That is what binds the two hearts ...
Too a common thread ...
A common thought ...
LOVE ...
Pure sinful love ...
Pure blissful Love ....
love in all its glory ...
Just Love and nothing at all.

Dreams are delicate ...
So is our Love ...
Handle with care ...
For that is all we have.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Banke ki Mansha kya thi? Just another Prized Possession?

Well, what was in his mind that he followed her and trapped her in his net?

No one knows ... Only Banke knows.

Sameekshaa confronted him with the Mansha issue. Who is this Mansha, that you are so close to?
 He said, Oh! She is no one just another Twitter follower for Time pass. She means nothing to me. You are my Cutie Beauty. Come in my arms, let me hug you. Don't be so insecure, I am only here for you.

Poor Sameekshaa, she believed all his lies and went weak. She believed him and his white lies about his career and family , she opened up and told him all about herself. A weakness Bankelal became for Sameekshaa, she stopped going to work ... all day long and night she would be with him. Whenever she questioned him about his flirting with Mansha and Shikha, he said they were nobody just Twitter followers. She believed every lie he told her. She stopped eating just waiting upon him.

People wondered what had gone wrong ... she didn't say. To this day, she is waiting somewhere within an  Iron exterior , waiting for him to turn back and say, I never cheated you Sameekshaa but reality is something else. He cheated on her all along. She was just another prized possession.

People ask her , why don't you sleep? She laughs it can she say that she still waits for the Return of Chandra Shekhar Pati Tripathi. The man who disappeared into the oblivion.

She smiles a fake smile .... feigning happiness whereas all that she encompasses within her dainty self is painful ache of her Truth.

Why did she tell the Truth? It was beautiful till it lasted.

>>> To be continued #TrollersBook

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Story unfolds ...

The mind traverses all boundaries ...
To be one with one so lonely ...
Middle of the night ...
Dogs howling ...
Two hearts meet in the silence of the eerie night ...
In a virtual World...
Be known to all ..
Yet the morbid reality of ...
Two set apart Hearts ...
The reliability of intentions unknown.

He came in like the ...
Dark Knight ...
In the middle of the Twilight hour ...'Sweeping her off her feet ...
Into the black velvety night ...
Flying amongst the stars ...
Clouds misty and humid ...
They look down upon the night lights on Earth ...
Blissfully unaware of their destinies ...
Entwined torso to mind ...
They wander in a land of the unknown love ...
They so cherish in their imagination.

Suddenly, lightning whiplashes ...
Their wings cut off ..
They plummet to Earth ...
Separate zones ..
Separate lives ...
Ground Reality striking them hard ...
Stark reality looking them hard in the face ...
She braces herself for the wrath ...
He walks away ...
Fearing the World...
She looks once at his retreating frame ...
And, Smiles , shrugs ...
And, wipes that one tear ...
That writes off his destiny ...
A smudge that increases in size ...
Leaving him exposed.