Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Swan within ...

Ducklings all around ....
You don't make a quack sound ...
You Honk ...
Realize ... you are  a Swan within ...
A lovely, beautiful bird....
Different from others...
Ever graceful in appearance ....
The rest are all ducks ...
Being prepped for a roast.
You have risen above all ....
The highest abode in the World....
Displays the home ... the lake ...
Your abode....
The coolest place of them all ...
A place people die to reach ...
Your abode ....
Your Shangrilla....
 A heavenly experience ...
Yours only ...
None else has seen it the way you see it ...
Visualize the end ....
In such a place ....
The final resting place....
The Swan within .....
The dance of the Swan ....
A sight to see....
Seen by very few....
Go dance and make merry....
For tomorrow may never come.

Fill in the blanks...

We had exams ....
The most favourite questionnaire used to be ....
Fill in the blanks ..
That was life as a student...
Today, life's lessons ... are different...
But, the questions remain the same ...
For which there is no teacher...
Preachers, yes ...
But no guide ....
No question bank ...
The most difficult question in the paper of life ...
Fill in the blanks.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Echo ....

The sound of what we uttered ....
Coming back to us ...
Over and over again ...
Every word said or unsaid ....
The echo ...
From the sky ...
To the hills ...
The dusty roads ..
To wild rivers and frothy ocean ...
The waves rushing towards you ...
Reminding you ...
Echoes in the background ....
Sounds you have heard before ....
Words he said ...
His voice echoes in your head ....
All the time.
He would sing at the top of his lungs ...
Yet lyrical and melodious...
Beautiful voice ...
It echoes all the time in my head ...
Deep within beckoning ....
Saying I am innocent ...
I didn't mean to ....
But, it happened ....
Living with the memory of that voice ...
Relentless in my heart and soul ....
I immerse myself in my world ...
I tried muffling it ...
None could match the amplitude ....
A voice that is unique cannot be erased ....
It remains ...
None can take it's place ...
Not in this lifetime.
The echo allowed me to move on ....
Coz' it keeps coming back to me ...
The echo remains ....
That is all that is needed to be happy ....
Beautiful melodious voice ...
Erratic antics ...
So different from others.

Of cowboys & Aliens .... August August....

I refuse to believe otherwise ....
Yes, I remember clearly ... very clearly ...
I had blogged about it then too ...
Yes, I was running a temperature ...
 A fever that had rendered me unfit to report to work ...
I was all alone ....
And, he came ...
All the way ...
He came just to be with me ... take care of me ..
To lift my spirits ....
Despite the fact that there was a situation....
And chaos at his workplace ...
He came and was with me ...
Till he tuck me in my bed and left.
He was there ... that wasn't business.....
That was caring and sharing ...
That was the pure embodiment of love ....
I refuse to believe otherwise.
He knew I was down in the dumps....
He took me for this movie ....
Knowing fairly well my taste for Cowboys ...
Yes, we went for a movie despite my fever ...
I felt rejuvenated ...
I never felt so good before....
All weakness abolished ...
All smiles ...
Just him and me ...
Watching a movie....
A large tub of popcorn ....
Three samosas (Regular feature) and ...
A large Coke .... yup..
That's right....
He knew my taste ....
He knew my taste in food ...
He knew my taste in clothes ....
He knew my taste in shoes...
He knew my taste for good life ....
That's what we lived and breathed till we parted ways...
Why did we part ways?
I dunno ....
I don't want to go there ....
But we did part ways ....
An august August to remember ...
Of Cowboys and Aliens ...
The Cowboy I knew ...
Now Alien to me....
Numb to my senses ...
For that's what is the best way to remember the past ....
And, move on ...
Move on ... we have....
But, yet somewhere a tug, a nagging feeling ....
All is not right ....
Somewhere a gut feeling .....
There was something ...
Something he wanted to say ....
And, I silenced him ....
I didn't hear him out ...
I just shut my ears and eyes ....
And, he nodded his head in despair ...
And, walked away....
An Alien walked away....
The Cowboy remained shut in the confines of my heart .....
The keys to the door of which thrown in the ocean....
Never to be found again...
A feverish rendition of an august August.

The soothsayer ....

The soothsayer says ....
You are here to enable the mysteries of the Universe to unfold ....
Do your duties as prescribed ...
Don't worry all will fall in place ...
Nothing will go amiss.....
And, I raise an eyebrow and quip.....
Nothing amiss....
Not the scars on a flawless body .....
Nor the wrinkles ... on a pearly smooth face ...
Forty two springs......
Nothing amiss...
No one person gone?
What nonsense you spake to me ....
O' Soothsayer ....
Do not repeat again to another ....
Eat your words ...
This is life ...Real life ...
Throbbing life .....
Ebbing life .... But, Life itself.
Do not say .... forget and forgive ....
One can't ... never ever.
You may sooth souls for a while ...
But, the real life teaches you lessons otherwise....
Lessons we don't forget...
Lessons that revive our memories from time to time ...
Faces that crop up here and there and ....
You relive moments spent with them.
No, it never goes away ...
It comes back in newer forms ....
Nastier forms....
Forms that make you flinch.
Then there are those ghosts of the past ...
Soothsayer, dear No.... they don't go away...
They take new forms ...
New avatars...
New names ...
They come back to haunt your memories....
To haunt you all the time.
The soothsayer nods his head...
And, walks away....
He hasn't lived my life ...
What can he say?

Skeleton Woman .... The woman who runs with the Wolves

Skeleton Woman ....
Woman running with the Wolves ....
Words ....
Jumbled up in my mind ...
Thanks Uma .... This book given by you .......
As though was written by me or for me ...
But, frankly for every woman ...
Every woman who empathises with another brethren of hers.

Am the bones that rattle in his head....
Am the blood that runs through his bloodshot eyes....
Every ounce the woman ....
The Wolf devoured ...
Every bit the skeletal remains of his past.

From the smoke rises the image of a woman ....
The ashes contain the bones ...
Rest all reduced to ashes ....
Warm ash .... smouldering ash.
The woman walks away from the ashes....
Footprints on the ashen floor...
She glides through the night...
The moonlit night ...
Wolves howling in the background ...
The forest comes alive with sounds of crickets ....
An eerie silence broken with these sounds...
The woman walks on ....
Sometimes as though flying through the air.....
Someone somewhere keeps awake ...
As he knows one day he shall be devoured for his follies....
His flesh torn to pieces....
His bones crushed into million shards....
His nights curled up in fear ....
His days; eyes furtively looking for the Skeleton Woman...
Darting from place to place ....
Lest she catches his scent somewhere ...
And, turns around ....
Baring her teeth ...
All set to pounce upon him...
She does run with the wolves .... Yes, she does
She leads the pack now.

She is not one to cow down ..
She is not one who fears...
She instills fear in them ...
That doth harm to her brethren....
When she moves...
Lithe and stealth in her steps .....
Her moves to the beat of the rhythm in her heart ....
A melancholy soulful music within....
But, at peace ....
But, with red blazing eyes .....
Eyes that can reduce anyone to ashes...
Eyes that spew flames...
Flames that reduce you to ashes ....
From which the Skeleton woman rises again and again.....
And, runs with the Wolves all over again.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Devi ...

Devi ka prakop ya vardaan ...
Yeh toh rabb jaaney ...
Mein toh buss itnaa jaanun...
Usey apna manoon re. 

Pistanthrophobia ....

I thought I only suffered from Claustrophobia ....
Till I came across Pistanthrophobia ....
Damn ... so true... yet so ambiguous.
Arachnophobia has me jumping off the sofa ....
Am climbing up the walls...
Really .... Spiderwoman  ....
Then,  no fear at all.... lol....
Why do we suffer from phobias?
I have a phobia for Custard apple too ...
Not to name Pine apple too ...
Anything to do with apple but the original word APPLE.
Adam's apple .... Eve's desire ....
Pandora's box ....
So many evils lurking all around us ....
People with straight faces ....
Yet with evil desires in their minds.
Is this just my dilemma?
Or, is it every woman's dilemma....
Or, every human being's dilemma?
Must be postpartum depression acting up....
But, am just too busy to even think of all this ...
Yikes ... it's Sunday .... a less hectic day ...
So, I guess these thoughts...
But, It's good to think ...
Your horizon widens.....
Phobia or no phobia.