Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's so sad ....

It's so sad ...
People have to stay up all night ...
Twiddling their fingers ....
Checking my blogposts ...
So much insecurity ..
That they need to post old photos of yesteryears...
To try and believe ...
That all is well ....
All isn't well Darling ...
Your paradise is lost forever.....
It never existed ....
Except in your imagination ....
Otherwise you would never have slit your wrists.

No, the used doll is of no use to me ....
I use and throw sanitary pads....
So that women like you who can't afford such luxuries can have them.

The combo is good ....
Black and white ....
That's why combos are always cheap ....
Perfect example of Mac Donald's combos ...
Or free meals....
For the hungry and famished.

Frustrated woman ...
Desperate woman for men ...
Not knowing anything but how to please them with orgies.
That's what brings a smile on his face for you ...
Else, follow him someday.....
And you will know his real intentions....
One day the papers will arrive ...
And, you shall have no choice but to sign them.

When you call and he says ...
"I am in a meeting"...
Know well.... He is mating.
That's his modus operandi ...
His usual dialogue ...
When he is in another woman's arms ....
Satisfying his sexual urges ...
Urges you can never fulfill ...
Coz' you are black ...
And, he hates the colour BLACK....
You are the cause of all his miseries ...
You started it all ....
How can he forgive you ...
He is biding his time ...
When the time is right ...
He will strike ...
And, all your stars will fall from the sky ..
Your cracked world will come crashing down.

It;s so sad ....
You are so delusional ...
Go, take some psychiatric help ...
Before you slit that wrist again.

Sad, but the ultimate truth woman ....
Get a hold on yourself ....
Stop conning yourself ...
The way you conned me ....
You will get nowhere ...
This is a mirage ...
There is nothing there for you ....
Move on before it is too late ...
Before you lose yourself ...
And, your illegitimate child.

You and your illegitimate girl.....
Are a blotch to his family name ...
You will never be wholeheartedly welcome ....
Face REALITY ...
He is Mammas Boy...
Before it is too late.
Sad Truth ... you know it ...
But, don't want to face it.

It's so sad....
You have ruined your life ...
Now, you are ruining the life of the ...
She will always be pointed at ....
His family and his society ....
Will never accept her ...
She will be made aware ....
That she is different and doesn't belong.

The illegitimate one ....
Will never belong.
Sad ... but the truth.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Weakness ...

Remember .... You said it and sent me this song ..... I play it always .....


I am but an expression ....

I am but an expression of my thoughts....
I am but an expression of my emotions ....
I am but an expression of my feelings ...
I am but an expression of the Universe ....
The Universe that conspires ....
To bring what you desire with a pure heart always.

I am but an expression through my art ...
I am an expression through my words ...
Words that speak of my life's experiences ....
I do not conform to the rituals of a fake society ...
Living on borrowed time ....
I live life on my terms...
And an expression of freedom of speech ....
My birthright ....
No one can take that from me.

I am but an expression of myself.

History repeats itself .....

The World is round ...
What goes around ...
Comes around ...
History will repeat itself ...
At that time ...
You shall remember me ....
You shall seek me out ....
Then there won't be looking back ....
But a sly smile ...
Reminding you ...
She would be a woman some day ..
There would be men like you then too ...
How will you protect her ...
From your karmas ...
Your sin today ....
Shall be her CURSE tomorrow.


Empty Cradle ...

The Cradle lies empty today ...
Mocking me at my tomfoolery .....
It can never be occupied ...
For the occupant lies buried deep....
In the sands of time ...
In mud and dirt below....
In the hell created by his Sire.

The Cradle .... empty ... deploringly empty ....
Cursing the moment ... their eyes met ...
The Cradle .... a reminder ....
Never to love again.

How many more Cradles lie empty elsewhere?
How many more hearts broken?
How many trusts shaken?
How many faiths cracked?
How many more infidels roaming the streets?
The empty cradle here and everywhere else....
Speak of stories of broken trust.

Double Role .... Two faces of a coin ....

The coin ...
The abominable coin ...
Has two faces ...
So do humans....
Why do we fail to recognise that?
Or, is it that we do know so....
But don't want to acknowledge it?
Those few moments of happiness are more important ....
Than lifelong suffering ....
Lamenting later what we couldn't utter....
And, suffering for what we overlooked in the beginning.

Relationships should be based on truth and trust ...
Faith and companionship ....
Else they crumble or wither away in due course of time.

The Lord tosses the coin ....
Which face we get is our destiny ....
Fate ..... have faith in the Lord ...
And follow our destiny ...
The path charted for us.

Double role or not ...
Two faces or not ...
Follow your heart ...
Rest will follow ...
Good, Bad or Ugly ...
We know not yet ...
But, what the heck ...
Axe your own foot ....
Get in the groove ...
This moment ...
Is what counts ....
Nothing else matters.

This moment says ....
Go on ..
Carve your idol....
This moment says ....
Walk alone ....
Ekla chalo re ....
You come alone....
You depart alone.
That's true destiny.

Double role or not ...
Two faces of the coin or not ...
Just go for it....
Kal ki kal sochna.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Somewhere ....

Somewhere something new is happening ...
Somewhere someone new is waiting ...
Somewhere ... a new beginning is taking place ....
All somewhere else.

A blossoming relation .....
A radiance so brilliant ...
A wordsmith finally ...
Who can match me word to word.

The World is a beautiful creation ....
 A creation wild and free ...
 When all ends ... it shows a ray of hope ....
A light shines through.

None can match the brilliance ...
Of the person I have yet to meet ...
No not a figment of imagination ...
But a new friend through tweets ....
He speaks his mind even while I write ...
He has a mind of his own.

A writer, a blogger...
He is a rebel against the system ...
Attractive attributes ...
For a man so young of age.

Hope springs again ...
Life begins again ....
A new ray of joy ...
A new beginning indeed.

Radz ...

Radz .... was all he had to say .....
And, I would  melt hearing that sound of my name ....
The way he said it ... no one can ever say it the same way.

Radz .... and I would hear music ....
Radz ... and I would go waltzing across the room ....
Radz ... and I would become a trapeze artist ...
All he had to do was say .... Radz ....
Radz .... and all the secrets would be out ...
Radz ....was the World ....
Radz world was HE.
So, Radzworld  was created ... just for him ......
An Inception of two minds ....
Stalled for no apparent reasons ....
But for human irresponsible behaviour.

Radz .... waiting to hear the sound again.