Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Torch Bearer ....

AGNI ..... The Torch Bearer ....
The apple of his Grandfathers eyes ....
The protected one ....
The one to carry forth your name....
The one to carry forth your forefathers name ....
For generations to come ...
I carry that lamp within ....
I carry that fire within ....
None else can give you that prodigal son .... but me.

The prodigal son is here to stay ....
He shall seek my justice ...
In time to come ...
He shall proclaim me to the World ...
As his Mother and bearer of his life.

Come hitherto my son ....
Come forth and claim what is yours ...
Your name ...
And destroy the enemy that has put me to shame.

The Torch bearer ....
The prodigal son .... survives and thrives ...
Safe and in good health.

The cravings .... And, the Lollipop song....

The cravings for bizarre food ....
Awesome ..... incredible ...
Agni wants to have fish and chips ....
And guess what .....
Am on my toes ...
Frying fish and potato wedges....
The baby has me eating out of his hands ....
When he grows up....
Am going to really show him what he made me do ....
There are times when he craves for canapes'....
Middle of the night .... Orange Ice lollies....
People around wonder ...
Why me ... a grown up lady ...
Consumes loads of ice lollies....
But, it's not me ....
It's Agni ....
The baby is always hungry ....
Hungry for strange food.

One day, he wanted Lemon cheesecake at 2 am in the night ....
And guess what .... I made it for him ...
I love my babies ...
And, Agni tops the lists in strange demands.

The cravings are getting stranger day by day ....
And, like his father , he likes....
The mediterranean salad with steamed chicken in it ....
Sprinkled with capers and a vinaigerette of mayonnaise too.

Like his father, he likes Jumbo prawns ....
Crabs .... and the steamed momos from Mings Palace.
All the traits of him ....
Doesn't let me miss him  a moment ....
He fulfills every desire of a woman ...
I don't miss him no more ....
Agni has filled the void...
He keeps me busy and entertained.

The moment I play the Lollipop song his dad has sung ...
Agni turns in the womb ...
Letting me know ....
He loves it ... His dad's voice.
When I reminisce about his Dad....
Look at his photos ...
Agni gives a kick ....
Shaking me out of my reverie....

My baby is on his way ...
To fill my days with laughter ....
Once again there would be happiness...
Just a matter of time...
Just a matter of time and patience.

For now.... it's the lollipop song in the background ...
And his Dad's favourite....
Fish and chips ..... on the menu for now.

When God closes one door ... He opens another ...

A movement within me ....
A twist and a turn ....
Below the abdomen ....
Making me feel his presence ....
That's my Agni ....
When God closes one door ....
He opens another ....
God gave me Agni in lieu of HIM.....
Am I glad ....
I am in seventh heaven ....
The mother in me joyous and fulfilled.

No more lonely days ....
No more pining ....
Just getting the wool ...
And knitting needles ....
Agni would be a Winter Baby ...
He willl need warm woollens ....
Wish Pammi was here .....
She was the best when it came to knitting.
Miss you Maa....
Didn't meet you in your last days .....
But you loved me and I know that ....
You are with me even today ....
Watching over me ....
Agni will be protected by you .... I know.

Oh.... A movement ...
A tiny movement ....
Making me aware of his presence ....
My days are blessed ....
Need a lot of rest ....
Lest Agni be stressed ....

God closed the doors of hell for me....
So that I could enjoy the fruits of labour ...
Alone ... but blissful...
No tension ....
No treachery ....
Pure love and joy.

Another four months ....
And I shall have my bundle of joy ...
Cradled in my arms ....
My son ....
My life ....
Yes .... mine .... and ONLY MINE.

God has given the gift of life to me ....
I shall cherish it forever.....
He saved my unborn ....
So I wouldn't be forlorn.

The Stork is arriving ....
With the bundle of joy ....
I am waiting ....
I am happy....
I am blessed.

Agni .... some more .... at his best ..... Healthy and safe

My baby .... My dream ....

Saturday, August 18, 2012

AGNI ..... Week 18 ...

AGNI .... In the 18th week .... A handsome boy indeed ...

AGNI lives and that's my justice ....

Suddenly, there was a movement .....
Something I had lost ....
Was found ....
Agni .... moved .....
He moved within me....
And all this time I thought ...
I had lost him ....
He was deeply ensconced and safe ....
My joy knew no bounds ....
Am fulfilled ....
The life within me lives ....
I forgive the culprit now ....
Coz' I have a reason to live ....
A reason to live happily ....
With my memories and my Agni ....
Forever happy ....
No other to share him with me ....
Just me and my three babies.

A news that sets my mind free....
That sets me apart ...
Time to pack my bag ... 
Lest the enemy harm my unborn now....
Time to move into the mountains....
Till my love takes full shape ....
And blossoms ... into a handsome lad.

Time to take Agni away ...
Far away from this mayhem....
Into safe realms ....
My world ... my life.

Agni lives and that's my justice.

When God closes one door ...
He leaves scope for another to remain open ....
This one is ajar .... forever now.

My Agni in healthy condition ....
What else can I ask the Lord for ....
He has given me my justice on a platter.

Agni moves and lets me know ....
He makes me aware of his presence ...
What else can a mother ask for.

Within me my baby lives ....
Within me a life thrives ....
No time for trivial pursuits now ...
Time for birthing to take place ...
Time to search for a safe haven ....
Time to move on.

Five months on .....
He has taken shape ....
A healthy boy ....
A handsome lad ...
Four more months and ....
We shall be blessed....
Blessed with the joyous cries of a newborn ...
Blessed with a wizard ...
A culmination of beauty and brains.

Agni ..... My Abhimanyu ....
My saviour from the blessed Lord.

Friday, August 17, 2012


Yesterdays verdict proved it all ...
What from time immemorial people have been saying ...
The Law sucks ....
The Law keepers are worse ...
They suck the blood out of the victims ....
They are vampires ...
That thrive on the common mans blood.
They side with the criminals .....
They overlook facts and figures ...
They destroy evidence ...
They destroy every ounce of humanness in us....
They are blood sucking leeches ....
The ones representing the criminals ....
They are the ones who rape their own mothers ...
For they have no conscience ...
They deserve no mercy ...
All of them ....
Deserve to rot in hell ....
Hell it is for them ...
To hell with the LAW AND THE LEGAL SYSTEM ...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Every dog has his days ...

Today was your day ...
Guess what?...
And I  granted it to you ....
This is the beginning of the END....
Every dog has his day ...
At least dogs are faithful ....
Can't call you a dog.f
Saw your tearful mother ...
Saw  your cheerful daughter ...
oblivious of what was happening ...
I felt pity....
And kept quiet ....
They shouldn't suffer for your crimes ...
The time for your annihilation has come ..
Then there won't be anybody to offer you water even...
You bribed the law ...
They too shall pay a heavy price for it ...
For every dog has his day ....
Enjoy the day ....
For the wheels are turning ....
They will crush every bone in your body ....
They will mince your flesh ...
Your blood splattered every where...
No one to save you...
As all shall share the same grave as yours.