My day ends with you,
I wait on the shores of patience upon you,
To see that smile of yours,
To hear you say.. I love you,
My day begins with you and,
My day ends with you.
There comes a time,
When you just can't live without someone,
Someone becomes your priority,
Your everything,
I guess, this is that time... for me.
You are my everything,
You are my peace,
No other can give me ,
What you have given me....
Pure uninhibited love.
My day begins with that love,
My day ends with that love.
Sure, this being is mortal,
And shall leave alone,
But, the soul remains within,
Another soul, when life begins.
You are where my heart and soul rest,
You are where my life begins and ends,
You are the reason for my smile,
You are the reason for the colours in my life.
My day begins with your smile,
My day ends with your smile.
My day, yes my day, my life.... you are the soul that inhabits it........
Love you for being there.