Wednesday, February 20, 2019

She saw her working day and night ...

A conversation ensues...
Based on the untimely death of her dear friend #Sangeeta...

[2/20, 7:52 PM] Radhika Nanda: I am fine
[2/20, 7:52 PM] Radhika Nanda: Just disturbed
[2/20, 7:53 PM] Satyaki Ghatak: Try to relax and sleep well
[2/20, 7:53 PM] Radhika Nanda: I need to rest my mind
[2/20, 7:53 PM] Radhika Nanda: Yes
[2/20, 7:53 PM] Radhika Nanda: Thank you
[2/20, 7:54 PM] Radhika Nanda: Waiting for sleep
[2/20, 7:54 PM] Radhika Nanda: It's been two hours
[2/20, 7:54 PM] Radhika Nanda: Even medicine doesn't help
[2/20, 7:54 PM] Satyaki Ghatak: Ok..don't take more now
[2/20, 7:54 PM] Radhika Nanda: My mind is blank
[2/20, 7:55 PM] Radhika Nanda: Can't think , nor focus
[2/20, 7:55 PM] Satyaki Ghatak: Can understand..if we lose any close friend
[2/20, 7:56 PM] Radhika Nanda: I couldn't even shed a tear
[2/20, 7:56 PM] Radhika Nanda: It's like a dam ready to burst
[2/20, 7:56 PM] Satyaki Ghatak: You are a brave will come out of this soon
[2/20, 7:57 PM] Radhika Nanda: I saw her working day and night for what. Death?
[2/20, 7:57 PM] Radhika Nanda: She didn't enjoy life
[2/20, 7:57 PM] Radhika Nanda: Am working too
[2/20, 7:57 PM] Radhika Nanda: It's making me think, for what
[2/20, 7:57 PM] Satyaki Ghatak: Death is not in our hand dear
[2/20, 7:57 PM] Radhika Nanda: For whom
[2/20, 7:58 PM] Radhika Nanda: After I am gone , is it worth it
[2/20, 7:58 PM] Radhika Nanda: Will my kids be happy if I am dead
[2/20, 7:58 PM] Satyaki Ghatak: No one happy if someone close dead
[2/20, 7:58 PM] Radhika Nanda: Why am I not giving it all up and spending time with my kids
[2/20, 7:59 PM] Radhika Nanda: But my kids also have no time for me
[2/20, 7:59 PM] Radhika Nanda: It's a vicious cycle
[2/20, 7:59 PM] Radhika Nanda: Life is so sinister
[2/20, 8:00 PM] Radhika Nanda: We all want material things and also Nirvana
[2/20, 8:00 PM] Satyaki Ghatak: Life is all about struggle dear...sometime happy sometime sad
[2/20, 8:01 PM] Radhika Nanda: I can either eat Dal rice and spend time with my kids or give them material benefits and work my arse off
[2/20, 8:01 PM] Radhika Nanda: I see many who do nothing but have everything
[2/20, 8:01 PM] Radhika Nanda: Some who don't deserve enjoying life
[2/20, 8:01 PM] Radhika Nanda: Where do we go wrong
[2/20, 8:02 PM] Radhika Nanda: What is it that we aren't doing right
[2/20, 8:02 PM] Radhika Nanda: Damn
[2/20, 8:02 PM] Satyaki Ghatak: Relax dear
[2/20, 8:03 PM] Radhika Nanda: Trying

If she's so sad...
Imagine the girls ...
Who lost their mother...
There are many to wipe their tears ...
But, how many are genuine?

She worries for the girls...
She worries for her kids...
Is this what we slog for?
An untimely death?

She saw her slogging day in and day out...
She sees herself slogging day in and day out...
What's the difference?
Soon she will be dead too...
Her kids orphaned ...
How would that feel like?

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