Monday, February 25, 2019

A decade ahead...

A decade ahead ...
He is a plethora of experiences...
A treasure trove of memories...
Of travel and travails...
The fine lines on his forehead...
The crinkly crows feet ...
At the corner of his eyes ...
A reminder of his journey through life.
He is a mine of stories...
Funny and cute...
A flurry of activities...
His life is full...
Coming one full circle...
Towards his silver sunset.
A storyteller of yore...
A music afficionado...
A connosieur of fine food ...
Appreciative of good wine ...
He's a wee bit ...
A decade ahead of her ...
She lives in awe of his splendour...
She looks up to him...
She waits for more from him.
He lives a life ...
She dreamt of once...
He lives her dream ...
Unknoweth of her ...
She lives her dream through his words.

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