Thursday, February 14, 2019


In the quietness of her realm...
She remenisces the past ...
The very recent past ...
The glory of those happy days ...
The sharing of food ...
The sharing of everything that was dear ...
Thoughts and what not ...
In her solitude, she wonders ...
Does he feel guilty?
Does he feel remorse for what he did?
Did he even once think,
How she would cope with the betrayal?
She wonders in her quietude...
She looks up to the heavens...
A question written across her eyes ...
Why Me?
Nostalgia grips her...
Memories have her in painful throes...
Tears streaming down her cheeks ...
She turns her face in her pillow...
Letting the cotton soak the saline flow...
Drying her eyes...
Drying her soul...
Turning frigid ...
She tattoos her name as...
The Ice Maiden in her mind ...
Never again to become weak...
Never again to give her heart...
A thousand pieces strewn here and there...
She lets out a laughter...
A sinister smile envelopes her lips...
A glint happens in her eyes...
Nostalgia can do that to you...
Turn you into a She Monster...
A monster raging within...
She becomes Her ...
The one that runs with the Wolves...

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