Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 11. Holi Hai...

The festival of colours is here today and I am sitting at home and tweeting, Facebooking and gchatting. No, am not a colours person. Used to be, now no more.

Holi , I remember as a kid used to be fun, with these huge tanks of coloured water and us kids dunking ourselves in them in Andamans.

Later, in Mumbai as a young child and then teenager throwing water from our balcony on people below and going to the club and the Naval Mess for lunch. It was fun.

As a wife and mother, it was full of tension with a drunk husband and my son wandering off. I had a harrowing time locating my son whom I found behind the bar in Kochi next to the waterway enjoying coca cola.

And, now as a single mom, no holi for me, yes the kids do go out and enjoy and then the scrubbing and cleaning of the kids and the home.

At different stages of life, holi has meant different things to me, yet the fervor of color hasn't changed. I still dream of once again playing holi with gay abandon and dunking myself in tanks of coloured water. Hope am able to do it again in this lifetime.

Happy Holi.

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