Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Raising a Toast ...

To all those ...
That never lived to see another daylight ...
She raises a toast ...
To the ones ...
Whom fate meted out her justice!
Go figure the numbers ...
The ones who were unjust ...
She is just an unjust lady ...
Seeking justice for the wrong done.
Go Figure ...
The pain of the one ...
Who gave selflessly ...
Only to be looted by the ones she trusted ...
The wail of her soundless cries ...
They echo through the night...
Raising hell in Heaven and Earth ...
Oh Yes!
See the end result ...
A heart attack here and there...
A cardiac arrest to name a few ...
A few hanging deadbeat bodies ...
The fans a witness to their pain ...
Never hurt a selfless soul ...
For justice today ...
Is done here and here only on Earth ...
You suffer your hell here ...
You can not fathom the pain...
It is here that her justice is given ...
It is here that you face her truth ...
An unjust lady seeking justice ...
Do not cross paths with her ...
For she is the cat clad in black ...
With magic in her footsteps ....
Raising a toast to the moon above ...
She wails yet again ...
The dawn tomorrow shall bring ...
The death of yet another beastly soul.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Big Mistake ...

She thought he was a friend...
He turned out to be a beast...
Killing her trust instantly...
He pounced upon her...
Her innocence lost ...
In the melee of silent screams ...
A big Mistake ...
He turned out to be her biggest mistake in life. #GoFigure

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Bisi bhele bhaath...

An all-time favorite and wholesome complete food ... Bisi bhele bhaath ... A Karnataka special... #Cuisine #Taste #Lunch #LonelyPlanet

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Waiting with open arms...

She is ...
Waiting with open arms ...
For her lover...
Her imaginary lover ...
Her friend...
Her guide...
Her soulmate...
She is waiting...
Wanting a tete'a tete' ...
An unknown future ...
The thrill of not knowing...
An unknown future it is. #GoFigure

A Battle of sorts ...

Her mind is a battlefield...
Always at odds with various thoughts...
An arena where daggers are drawn...
One always against oneself...
Rest against the thoughts...
A minefield ...
Any time ready to explode...
Her mind, her thoughts...
A dagger always drawn. #GoFigure

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Strained Thoughts ..

Of strained thoughts...
And mulling over life...
On a rainsoaked morning ..
Over a cup or two of tea...
The steam rising...
Music in the background...
Bringing back memories of yesteryears...
Years gone by ...
Just a faint hint ...
Of life in the past...
The pain...
The trials ...
The tribulations...
Just a dull ache remaining...
Reminder of a turbulent past ...
A past not forgotten...
Best remembered ...
And a smile spreads across her face...
A glint in the eyes...
A hint of glee...
A joy of having endured ...
A coming of age smile...
Strained thoughts ...
Flowing along ...
Besides her mundane tasks ...
Time to retire into the lap of nature...
The pitter patter of raindrops...
Beckoning her...
To become one with them...
She rises to meet them halfway...
She becomes one of them...
She becomes her strained thoughts...
She envelopes herself...
In the cool embrace of the water streaming down...
The elixir of life ...
She gives up her life ...
To become IT! #GoFigure

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: The King And I ... #GoFigure

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: The King And I ... #GoFigure: A mystery date ... Something that was strange ... Something that turned into ... A beautiful memory to cherish ... The King and I ... ...

Royalty at her feet ...

The harsh reality ...
Of what a beauty can achieve...
Even men of high posterity...
At her beck and call...
To know her...
To pamper her...
To cater to her whims and fancies...
Just to bed her...
To feel her ...
The exhilaration...
To be aware of her power...
A minute of who she is...
A moment that shall wither away soon...
She smiles in disgust...
It's the mortality of being a beautiful woman...
A woman in a big bad world...
A woman without a man...
The Royalty licking her feet...
The Royalty groveling at her feet...
The momentous joy...
The thrill of it...
There's no loyalty...
Just Royalty... #GoFigure