Friday, September 13, 2019

The King And I ... #GoFigure

A mystery date ...
Something that was strange ...
Something that turned into ...
A beautiful memory to cherish ...
The King and I ...
A #Bucketlist fulfilled ...
Out of the blue ...
The King messaged her ...
Would you like to go on a  Dinner date with me?
She declined.
Rest is history ...
A whirlwind of activities ...
A flurry of events ...
They met and painted the town red...
From one end to the other ...
They travelled like others ...
No airs ...
No inhibitions...
All care shed to the Monsoony wind ...
Mumbai sure would have swooned ...
The two adventurers ...
On a trip of their own...
They traversed the suburbs of Mumbai ...
Finally rounding of at South Bombay ...
With a bottle of wine between them ...
Swooning to the newfound music in the air ...
They had a blast ...
All care to the wind ...
Letting their hair down ...
The Royalty and a Commoner ...
The King and I ..
On a blind, mystery date ...
A brief encounter ...
To be remembered and cherished...
She feels the happiness ...
She is blessed.

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