Sunday, September 15, 2019

Strained Thoughts ..

Of strained thoughts...
And mulling over life...
On a rainsoaked morning ..
Over a cup or two of tea...
The steam rising...
Music in the background...
Bringing back memories of yesteryears...
Years gone by ...
Just a faint hint ...
Of life in the past...
The pain...
The trials ...
The tribulations...
Just a dull ache remaining...
Reminder of a turbulent past ...
A past not forgotten...
Best remembered ...
And a smile spreads across her face...
A glint in the eyes...
A hint of glee...
A joy of having endured ...
A coming of age smile...
Strained thoughts ...
Flowing along ...
Besides her mundane tasks ...
Time to retire into the lap of nature...
The pitter patter of raindrops...
Beckoning her...
To become one with them...
She rises to meet them halfway...
She becomes one of them...
She becomes her strained thoughts...
She envelopes herself...
In the cool embrace of the water streaming down...
The elixir of life ...
She gives up her life ...
To become IT! #GoFigure

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