Thursday, July 11, 2019

That feeling #Cooking ...

Content in her World ...
She moves about ...
Pottering her plants ...
Talking to them...
Loitering around her home...
Looking in the mirror...
At the greys...
And wondering How...
How on Earth did she survive...
The tsunami that consumed her everything...
Exhuming the memories of past...
She smiles...
The miles she's covered...
Whew! What a journey...
She smiles smugly...
A tear trickling through the corner of her left eye...
She sighs!
A deep breath and an equally deep...
Chuckling, she picks a pan...
Ready to pour her feelings...
Into the pan...
And, produce yet another masterpiece...
Loved by all...
Little do they know...
What goes into her cooking! #GoFigure

Sunday, June 2, 2019

When you have loved truly...

When you have loved truly...
You know you can afford to wait a moment more ...
A moment more for them to catch up with you...
You don't take another step ...
Lest they are trying to catch up...
Lest they are a step behind...
When you forgive them their decision...
You forgive them their momentary lapse of judgment...
When you have truly loved...
You don't just move on ...
You give them a chance!

Friday, May 17, 2019

She's the Muse ...

A porcelain face...
Fine China...
Delicate enough to crack...
To be handled with care...
She's the muse to one too many ...
Each looking upto her ...
For inspiration...
For luck...
For luck and
Probably a fuck too.
One never knows ...
What lies behind the shielded eyes...
The intentions ...
Behind the salt and pepper looks ...
What jackal lurks...
Who knows ...
Who knows what lays ahead...
No one ...
She amuses them...
She's a tease ...
She's an enigma...
A slippery fish ...
Not to be caught ...
Just observed and...
Fantasized about.
She's a muse...
An untouchable mannequin...
A doll in their thoughts...
A dream not to be caught.
She's their muse ...
She laughs ...
Giggling at times...
A smile so benign...
Yet so infectious...
Pasted on her lips...
She inspires them...
She mesmerises them...
For she's their muse.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The measure of happiness...

Half full or half empty...
Does it matter?
Nah! Never ...
Today, she's reached a point in life ...
Where she creates her own happy moments...
Moments where she comes alive ...
In her own imagination...
An imaginary world of dreams ...
That she fulfills every living
moment ...
Her life has come one full circle ...
She doesn't need anyone to make life happen for her...
She makes life happen...
And boy,  is it happening?
Yes, it is!
This is one such moment,
35000 feet above sea level ...
She's writing her story ...
One post at a time ...
Imagine, how many can really do that?
She can ...
Life made it possible...
She made it possible...
The measure of happiness...
The peg measurer in her hand ...
She's embarked on yet another ...
Intrigue filled journey ...
Her #TravelDiary has a chapter added to it...
The #DelhiDiary to be written.

35000 feet above...

35000 feet above ...
Far above the snowy white clouds...
Air traveling to yet another destination...
She observes a lot ...
A glance around...
And she gauges the people...
Sizes up the gentry traveling...
A happy baby in front ...
A not so happy sibling ...
A disgruntled father...
A sad mother ...
Who couldn't muster the courage...
To take a stand against her miserly husband...
Who felt 200 bucks was a lot to pay ...
For a pack of Snickers for the older child ...
How people have to compromise ...
In marriages that are sad...
A sad state of affairs...
Despite education...
When people compromise in toxic marriages ...
35000 feet above sea level ...
Things haven't changed from ground level...

Thursday, March 7, 2019

The moment of truth...

It takes a lifetime...
A lifetime it takes...
To make a person a person...
The confluence of experiences...
They make us who we are ...
Who we are ...
Is so subjective...
Mortal beings ...
Ready to mingle with the Earth...
When time is right ...
It takes a lifetime...
It is not just a moment...
It's a lifetime of experiences...
A lifetime of trials and tribulations ...
Ultimately we are what we experience...
Dust, water ...
That's what we really are...
And, nothing else.

Monday, February 25, 2019

A decade ahead...

A decade ahead ...
He is a plethora of experiences...
A treasure trove of memories...
Of travel and travails...
The fine lines on his forehead...
The crinkly crows feet ...
At the corner of his eyes ...
A reminder of his journey through life.
He is a mine of stories...
Funny and cute...
A flurry of activities...
His life is full...
Coming one full circle...
Towards his silver sunset.
A storyteller of yore...
A music afficionado...
A connosieur of fine food ...
Appreciative of good wine ...
He's a wee bit ...
A decade ahead of her ...
She lives in awe of his splendour...
She looks up to him...
She waits for more from him.
He lives a life ...
She dreamt of once...
He lives her dream ...
Unknoweth of her ...
She lives her dream through his words.

An Evening worth remembering...

With an eye full of Rosy dreams ... She returned post dinner ...
Having met the Bond of her dreams ...
The waxing eloquent hunk...
Fresh from the Thar desert,
An eye candy ...
Rustic from the sun and sand experience...
She places herself comfortably on her bed ...
And reminisces the immediate past ...
Questioning herself...
How did she land herself in the company of the perfect man for the job...
The job of keeping her glued to his words...
Not a moment of boredom...
Every word from his vocal chords ...
Music to her ears...
This is the man she had been searching for decades ...
One who would sweep her off her feet ...
Without lifting a finger ...
An innocence in his simplicity...
The suspenders a reminder of a boyish youth ...
Fine taste in wine and dine ...
And she was floored even before she met him.
His social media posts ...
Her favourite haunts...
Watching the pictures of his travel and more...
Reading the forenote to each post ...
A gluttony of words...
A foodgasm of thoughts...
A feast to the eyes...
He embodies the very Adonis of the world of culinary delights.
Here she embarks upon her crush on him...
A juvenile delinquency of desire to meet him...
In one of those weak moments...
She let's him into her private World...
And blurts out in messages...
Her infatuation for his words and photographs of his travels...
His travelogue making her go weak in her knees.
They exchange words...
Of course, in due civility...
She knows not of him ...
But, she's taken by his charm.
The Wordsmith in him overpowers ...
Her web of words ...
Who spins a better yarn ...
Knoweth she not.
A rendezvous incognito...
Just like her reel hero ...
The bond in real life appears in her land ...
The lair is set for a round of drinks ...
Followed by a quick Chinese bite ...
She comes away totally floored...
And enamoured by his charm.
A fine man...
His manners set him apart ...
An old world charm ...
A swag in his gait ...
A decade of difference makes no difference...
For she has fallen...
Head over heels for this swindler of words.
A myriad thoughts onslaught her mind...
She heaves a sigh and dreams on.
What got her attracted to this Playboy of words ...
Every woman clamouring for his attention...
A hint of jealousy in her mind ...
She let's an inaudible moan escape her lips...
But, he conceded her request for a turban to be adorned on his head ...
Why would he?
A man of his words ...
He met her on his sojourn back...
His tired self keeping pace with her springy steps...
Yes, there is magic in his persona...
He minces not his words ...
A World Traveller...
Surely , he must know her heart.
Camouflaged in his eyes behind the lashes ...
The look of a seasoned Traveller...
He the current Lawrence of Arabia ...
She the Sheherzadi of a thousand Arabian nights.