Thursday, July 11, 2019

That feeling #Cooking ...

Content in her World ...
She moves about ...
Pottering her plants ...
Talking to them...
Loitering around her home...
Looking in the mirror...
At the greys...
And wondering How...
How on Earth did she survive...
The tsunami that consumed her everything...
Exhuming the memories of past...
She smiles...
The miles she's covered...
Whew! What a journey...
She smiles smugly...
A tear trickling through the corner of her left eye...
She sighs!
A deep breath and an equally deep...
Chuckling, she picks a pan...
Ready to pour her feelings...
Into the pan...
And, produce yet another masterpiece...
Loved by all...
Little do they know...
What goes into her cooking! #GoFigure

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