Thursday, September 24, 2015

What does little Birdie say ?

What does little Birdie say,
In his nest each fine day?
Mamma, let me fly away,
Mamma let me fly ...
Mother said to little Birdie ...
Wait a little longer,
Till your wings are little stronger...
Then you fly away.

So, she waits a little longer,
Till her wings are little stronger,
Then, she flies away .

My Son,
My first born,
Is ready for his flight ...
I as a Mother ,
Must let go ...
My Baby has grown ,
Grown into a strapping lad ...
One with a mind of his own...
A strong man ,
He has become...
Not only physically,
but, also mentally and emotionally ...
This Birdie takes flight today ..
A new World of opportunities await my Son...
Go, go on and conquer the World ...
With your wit and wry humour.

A whole new horizon awaits ...
To be discovered ...
Go, my Son ...
Do your mother proud ...
Let her gloat in your glory...
For her silver sunset is made.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Tiny hands ...

The uncompromising love ...
Not yet tinted by the Worldly sins...
The love in the eyes ...
That seek her presence each day ...
To run into her open arms ...
To be with her ...
The love lost ...
Filled void by innocent love ...
The tiny hands ...
Holding her hands ...
The fist encircling her finger...Forming a close bond...
Unmatched by any love ...
Sweet innocent love ...
Unblemished smiles ...
Grinning upon seeing her ...
Her lap filled with love ...
The embrace of purity ...
Nothing else matters ...
But this!

She wouldn't want anything ...
But these moments to go on forever ...
They fill the emptiness in her life ...
With love unparalleled to any other...
She doesn't miss him anymore ...
She has his little ones to love and pamper ...
She has him ...
In them she finds his love for her.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Beginning afresh ...

Looking back upon the past...
They realised what they missed ...
Moments together ...
Moments lost living a false life ...
A life not of their own ...
Together they lived in fantasies ...
Now, a living fantasy of their love ...
Not acknowledging yet ...
Deep within ...
Embracing each other ...
Living out moments of ecstasy.

They were meant to be always ...
So be it ...
They live each moment a time ...
A World unthinkable in mortal times ...
Yet, always together in thoughts ...
Immortalised by their souls.

Beginning afresh, they look no further ...
But, in the moments ...
Being in love ...
They walk past what impedes their foray ...
Into a Life of love and sinful Lust.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Little ones ...

Tiny fingers encircling hers...
Palms touching her palm...
How can she ignore this love?
How can she ...
Not love them.

His little ones ...
Loving her unconditionally ...
Their ever inquisitive eyes...
Seeking her ...
Darting behind walls ...
Hiding somewhere ...
She can feel them looking for her.

The sweet innocence of those smiles ..
The hugs galore ...
He may have sired them ...
But she feels for them.

She let go of him ...
For they complete her ...
An eternal love of motherhood ...
She smiles benevolently...
In their happiness lies her joy ...
They bring immense pleasure to her being ...
They helped her get over the agony ...
The ecstasy of Motherhood.

The little ones ...
By a stroke of destiny...
A divine intervention ....
For making her happy again.

She trips and trots in their company ...'forgetting her sorrow and loss ...
For what better a gain ...
But, Motherhood once again.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Maleficent ...

Maleficent in every word ...
Truer in the meaning ...
The every embodiment of sacrifice ...
Maleficent in deed.

Loving his as her own ...
Grooming them as her own ...
Not a service she provides ...
But mammoth love she imbibes.

They rush into her arms ..
Sneaking smiles her way ...
Every ounce of her willpower ...
To steer clear goes waste.

She is no evil ...
For her heart is filled with love ...
Compassion beyond her means ...
Loving them as her own.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Nirmohi ...

O Nirmohi,moh na jaane ...
Kaahe ko moh kare ...
Mann re, tu kaahe na dhheer dhharey...

Aptly describes the state of a troubled mind ...
The state of mind in turbulence ...
What with giving up all ..
And walking away ...
Is it so easy?

Nothing comes easy...
Nor it goes easy ....
A strange feeling remains ...
An unfulfilled desire.
Somewhere deep down ...
A scream remains stifled ...
What if ...
It were to be exposed?
What if ...
It remains ...
A treasure like chest , heavy ...
With the secrets...
Heavy with desires.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Blasts from the past that fizzled out ...

Pffft ...phhusssphhuuusss furrrrr ...
They made a comeback ...
But, Alas! Couldn't match her expectations ...
Nor sustain a woman stronger than them...
The blasts from the past ...
They all came back ...
Only to be kicked out unceremoniously ...
From her life.

Imagine the pain and shame ...
They harbour ...
Their alter egos hurt...
The Alpha male ...
Ground to the ground ...
Groweling and begging ...
In front of a female.

Yes , they all did ...
Worshipping the very Earth she tread upon ...
They licked the dust off her feet.

Let me assure you my friend...
This isn't the end of the tirade ...
They ignited ...
This is just a glimpse of more to come...
Snapshots assured of moments of intimacy ...
A decko into the messed up minds ...
Frustrated husbands ...
Bored wives ...
You hear of them all ...
You get to see when she writes.

The blasts that fizzled out ...
The launch they imagined ...
Flattened egos ...
Burst bubbles...
You will find them all ...
Coming soon to her wall.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Weirdo ...

Wierdo , was the word he used for the love of his life!
She was shattered ...
After using her...
Abusing her ...
He uses one word to define her.

She took it literally...
She turned weird ...
All wired up...
Uppity about everything ...
All about him.

He changed her ...
Transformed her into a monster he dreaded ...
Monster she became ..
But to his fears ...
His apprehensions ...
Losing herself in the process ..
Destroying who she was ...
Just for him ...
For once and for all ...
She became selfish.

That abominable carrot ...
Dangling in front of her ...
She went in for the kill ...
Forgetting who she was...
She was in love ...
He destroyed her in his love ...
Dissolving in his being ...
She became one with him ...
But, destroy he did ...
Her ...
A simple being ...
Annihilated, in his love.

The wierdo ...
Turned her into himself ...
Using her ,
Abusing her ...
All the time.