Sunday, July 29, 2018

Trigger Happy...

Going through the mundane chores of a nasty Sunday morning, she seems trigger happy.

What has triggered that smile on her lips ?

A Faraway look, as though she's in Dreamland. What happened in the past few days to have made her so at peace with herself?

No, she's not on some mood enhancers. Neither is she a brethren of anybody nor waiting for anyone. Suddenly, her solitude is all she craves for. The emptiness within is such a bliss. It echoes her non-existent feelings. For long, she's waited for this silence. The trigger to Happiness, her silence within.

There's no chaos. There's no turbulence. An inner calm.
Or, is it true there's a lull before a storm?

The trigger is in her hand ... She uses it or not , depends on the silence within.


She was herself...
Fiercely independent...
With a mind of her own ..
She lived life on her terms ...
She was not born ...
To live under shadows ...
Shadows of ghosts of the past ...
She was born wild and free ...
The spirit of her soul ...
Has seen many journeys...
Journeys solo and in company...
She prefers to go solo ...
She wasn't born to live under shadows...
Shadows of ghosts of the past.

Trigger Happy

Going through the mundane chores of a nasty Sunday morning, she seems trigger happy.

What has triggered that smile on her lips ?

A Faraway look, as though she's in Dreamland. What happened in the past few days to have made her so at peace with herself?

No, she's not on some mood enhancers. Neither is she a brethren of anybody nor waiting for anyone. Suddenly, her solitude is all she craves for. The emptiness within is such a bliss. It echoes her non-existent feelings. For long, she's waited for this silence. The trigger to Happiness, her silence within.

There's no chaos. There's no turbulence. An inner calm.
Or, is it true there's a lull before a storm?

The trigger is in her hand ... She uses it or not , depends on the silence within.


Can memories be erased?
No, not unless you are a vegetable...
But still in that state...
Your mind may be working...
You might be reliving the past ...
The good memories...
The bad ones ...
The not so good ones ...
And the not so bad ones ...
But, none the less reminding...
Episodes of your life's drama.

One can or can not let it rule their present...
Let the memories make you or break you...
If someone wants, one can move on ...
Or just for convenience act...
Act as though they have moved on ...
Enjoy the goodies of current days ...
And then,
At their convenience, blame memories ...
Memories for holding back.

Sad truth of human beings ...
Only humans can manipulate their own minds...
And minds of others...
To suit their convenience.

There is no eraser ...
You can't erase memories...
But, yes you can use them to manipulate...
To get your brownie points ...
At the expense of others happiness ...
At the expense of others always...
It takes a very clever mind to do that ...
Someone who knows how to use people for their convenience...
And then how to leave them high and dry.

Sad, there is no erase button in some peoples memory...
And there is a big delete in others.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

The last glimpse...

Heart wrenching it was ...
To break away from what gave you hope to live ...
The last glimpse ...
Of a man who loved you so true ...
To swallow the tears within...
And walk away from love ...
It takes a big heart to.let go ...
Let go, she did ...
Kamakazi the only way out. #GoFigure

She waited...

She waited with bated breath...
She waited for him ...
To call out to her ...
And ask her to turn back ...
He didn't.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Love reunited...

All seems bright and sunny...
When all that troubled you is washed away...
A dark, gloomy rain washed day...
Seems beautiful...
Just because...
They reunite ...
Their love for each other...
Conquering over the trivial matter ...
That pulled them apart ...
Their hearts and minds as one ...
They hold hands and jump in a puddle together...
Hot chocolate and Cappuccino savoured...
Over differences being resolved...
Love conquests over the shadows...
Love reunited again...
A smile spreads across her lips ...
She writes positive with a glint in her eye ...

Walking in the rain...

What a blessing the rains are ...
When the mind is at unrest...
When there are tears streaming down...
The rain cometh pouring down...
Washing away the salt...
None can see the saline trail...
All they see is a woman...
Walking in the rain.