Friday, May 11, 2018

Shutting the world out...

Cocooned ...
Festooned to her melancholy loneliness...
Chained to her existence...
She shuts the world out...
Squeezing her eyes shut...
A tear drop escaping  from the corner...
She shuts the world out.

The noise , the noise in the head...
The drumming , humming noise...
The relentless chaos within...
She shuts the world out.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Unpublished work...

She writes her story all the time ...
She erases chapters and writes them again...
Again and again...
Time and again...
She writes her story...
Her story, unpublished ...
Tattered and torn pages in history...
But obviously,
Etched deep in memories...
Her unpublished story ...
Her life ...

Vacant eyes ...

She stares into the Oblivion...
Oblivious to all around ...
They say she ain't sound of mind
She has lost it along the way ...
Shocked to death ...
But death defies her ...
The deafening sound of silence...
Her curse...
Blinded by love ...
She stumbles and falls ...
Walking directionless...
A darkness engulfing her...
She stares but can't see ...
She cries silent tears ...
Swallowing her little left pride ...
She picks up her work...
Immersing into the unknown once again.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Lonely Existence...

That moment...
When you realize...
Despite the crowd around you...
You lead a lonely existence...
That moment, nails it ...
You dive deep into your shell ...
Delve in your thoughts...
You just exist...
You are there for a purpose...
You don't live...
You just exist.

You are not living for yourself...
You are the harbinger of life ...
But you do not partake...
In the stakes of life ...
You only exist ...
A mute spectator...
To all that is living around you ...
Living off you ...
A part of your own flesh and blood ...
But not for you.

You lead a lonely existence ...

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Drama ...

She was fed up ...
Fed up of all the drama...
Drama created by life ...
Drama created by people in her life ...
Just plain old drama.

Ah! All the histrionics of the gastric ulcers ...
Ulcers, for people are ulcers...
The raving and rantings of unscrupulous people...
The total emotional manipulation by certain individuals...
She was fed up ...
She was fed up of all that drama.

Over and done with the emotional stuff...
She moved into her own realm of virtual reality...
That was her World ...
There were no people there...
No one to bother her ...
She lived well there...
In her own imaginary World...
Happy and content ...
With a smile on her lips ...
In the real world,
People thought she had lost it ...
But little did they know ...
She was at peace...
Done with the drama of life.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

And death becomes her ...

The ache , the dull ache turning into a shrieking pain...
She wants death to take her ...
No dreams to pursue...
No ambitions ...
No aspirations...
She wants none of it ...
She would rather die than stay put in the miserable life...
A call has to be made ... A call has to be made...

She dies , miserable in her lonelinss...
She is gone forever.

Friday, March 30, 2018

She was lost ...

So engrossed was she in pleasing others ...
That she was lost.

She was lost in thoughts ...
Thoughts unpenned ...
She was lost ...
Thoughts were lost.

Words lost to her ...
Feelings lost ...
She was lost in her own World...
Away from all thoughts one day.

They said, she is lost...
She turned around and gave a blank lost look.


Monday, March 26, 2018

The dull ache ...

The pain that can't be explained...
The ache that kills silently...
The feelings that go numb...
The living death that one experiences...
A life unfathomed by anyone...
Yes, that is what kills everything...
Everything that you desire,
Everything that you deserve...
Yet, you can't ask for it ...
For you are born to sacrifice...
You are silenced with an unwritten oath...
Because you are a woman...
A woman that leads ...
A woman who shouldn't express her feelings...
Because feelings show her weakness...
So she must internalize her pain...
She must show a brave face to the world...
She has to be the very epitome of strength and sacrifice...
She must go on with a smile pasted on her lips...
She must endure her pain ...
The dull ache that kills.