Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Drama ...

She was fed up ...
Fed up of all the drama...
Drama created by life ...
Drama created by people in her life ...
Just plain old drama.

Ah! All the histrionics of the gastric ulcers ...
Ulcers, for people are ulcers...
The raving and rantings of unscrupulous people...
The total emotional manipulation by certain individuals...
She was fed up ...
She was fed up of all that drama.

Over and done with the emotional stuff...
She moved into her own realm of virtual reality...
That was her World ...
There were no people there...
No one to bother her ...
She lived well there...
In her own imaginary World...
Happy and content ...
With a smile on her lips ...
In the real world,
People thought she had lost it ...
But little did they know ...
She was at peace...
Done with the drama of life.

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