Monday, March 26, 2018

The dull ache ...

The pain that can't be explained...
The ache that kills silently...
The feelings that go numb...
The living death that one experiences...
A life unfathomed by anyone...
Yes, that is what kills everything...
Everything that you desire,
Everything that you deserve...
Yet, you can't ask for it ...
For you are born to sacrifice...
You are silenced with an unwritten oath...
Because you are a woman...
A woman that leads ...
A woman who shouldn't express her feelings...
Because feelings show her weakness...
So she must internalize her pain...
She must show a brave face to the world...
She has to be the very epitome of strength and sacrifice...
She must go on with a smile pasted on her lips...
She must endure her pain ...
The dull ache that kills.

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