Tuesday, December 9, 2014


She was named Ritsuka ...The successful one ...The most beautiful one.

Born, a mistake ...She lived life on the edge...Always on the move ...Living out of suitcases, she was a vagabond on the move always.

Ritsuka, having left a life of luxuries lived life on her own terms which always brought on the edge of a precipice, life changing decisions that left her alone in her journey, yet move on she did and as always today again she must take herchances , come to a decision and move away from the crowd that gathers around her.

She walks away, with what little she has on her ... stops for a moment, turns around , sees happy smiling faces ... gives a knowing smile , a small laughter escapes her throat and she walks away.

By the time people realize her absence, she had already gone too far into the mountains , away from human connections and in a far away place hidden from the reality of the urban jungle she had left behind. Ritsuka was no more Ritsuka , she was just another free spiritroaming the wilderness , a white light that couldn't be contained. She was no more a mortal being ... she was the light that people saw on moonless nights, guiding weary travellers lost in the forest of nowhere ... leading them to a meaningful life.

Ritsuka with the hair of the wise one adorning her scalp ... The most beautiful  damsel ... wandering the forgotten land of the forgotten ones ... rises from the ashes each day as a beacon  of hope for the countless millions wretchedly drenched I  their penury of life, reeking of death ... she imparts a scent to their rotting bodies.

Ritsuka ... the untouched virgin beauty ... walks the heaven on Earth.

Friday, December 5, 2014

This is why I love you ...

When I am really hurting ...
When I am blurting it all out ...
When am sad ...
When I lash out ...
You remain calm ...
You remain in the background ...
You don't say a word ...
You just remain you ...
That is why ...
This is why I love you ...
Whatever I do,
Whatever is my reaction ...
I do it all for you ...
I do it all for us.

I could have gone away ...
Yet, I stood my ground ...
I killed my own ...
Stifled and stood tall ...
I do it all for you ...
I do it all for us.

My love for you shall remain forever ..
Embedded deep within ....
Eyes crying ...
Tears rolling down ...
I still shall not know you ...
I stayed behind ...
Just for you.

Coz' all I know is ...
I can't unlove you ...
I do it all for you ...
I do it for us.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Temple of Love ...

Home ...
The Real Temple of Love ...
Of Dignity and pride ...
In one's name and pride ...
The Lioness that hunts for her cubs ...
She is the Tigress ...
That protects her own ...
Her Life may be a turmoil ...
But, never the heat ...
Touches her loved ones ...
Her Home ...
Her Temple of Peace ...
Her young ones ...
Her Strength.

Walking the difficult paths of life...
A journey not alone ...
Her stoic companions ...
Her little ones ...
No, she won't squander that love ...
For temporary feelings ...
Wayward humans ...
Her life waves ...
Rising and falling ...
Typhoons come and go ...
But, her Temple stands Strong ...
Built on unconditional Love ...
Her Temple withstands all Hurricanes ...
Proud in the stance taken ...
She preens her wings ...
To yet face another challenge.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

I am not Helpless...

Let go, just enjoy your life ... consider yourself helpless, you can do nothing. He is on his own ... leave him... when the placental cord was cut, your responsibility towards your child was over... Never , never ever again would a mother want to  hear that.

We make mistakes, we alone are not affected by them , everyone associated with us are affected.

I have made mistakes , I have no regrets yet my mistakes have catapulted my loved ones to moments of despair. No, am not going to wallow in self pity and say I am HELPLESS.

NO! I am not helpless... my mistakes have taught me important lessons in life but I won't ever let anyone tell me I am helpless for I am a mother and a mother never gives up on her child.

My children are my strength... my pillars of courage.  They have kept me grounded and alive. My kids have kept me smiling and laughing even through trying times. If they fall, I help them get up and face it all with courage. I stand by them through good and bad . I don't label them. I have caused them pain, they have lost their childhood because of my unforgiving nature... I will bring them back from the brink of getting nowhere in life to the lost happiness. I will amend my mistakes and give them what they desire to be the best always. These are trying times , they have lost hope... I haven't. 

I won't give up on my children. I am not helpless. I am strong and the power above has given me the capability to endure this too.

This too shall pass, and we shall be together again. We shall overcome all the pain and despair to become  the best that we are. 

Yes, others are helpless but not a mother. A mother can do wonders to make her child better once again. A mother can never lose hope. She can withstand any calamity , she can fight them all. A mother I am and I stand between the devil and my child. I can ward off any evil , fight all the demons ... for I am not HELPLESS.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Tracing the steps ...

... Back in time ...
She traces her steps...
The path they took ...
The walk together ...
Along the footpaths ...
Of the place they share.

The street vendors ...
Still the same ...
The wares still the same...
That knowing smile ...
Remembering the monsoon walk ...
Umbrella in hand ...
A light drizzle ...
Sending a shiver up the spine...
Smiling at each other ...
The juice break ...
The small tiff ...
Over his possessiveness...
The walking away ...
The making up ...
Love unlimited...
Shamelessly wonderful...
Tracing the steps ...
Back in time...
She remembers him...
Knowing well...
He is thinking of her ...
This moment in his thoughts...
She can feel him ...
Feeling her...
Lost in thoughts ...
She loses herself ...
Tracing her steps ...
Back in time...
Loving him more.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Uncouth in his piety ...

He lay prostate ...
At her feet...
Begging for mercy ...
Dust all around ...
Dirt in his mouth ...
He could tSte his own blood...
From bleeding gums...
Hair all tousled...
Scaavenged look...
A sorry state of being ...
The uncouth fellow ...
Lover from yesteryears...
Begging for forgiveness...
She didn't recognize him...
For she had a faraway look in her vacant eyes ...
Unrecognisable lay ...
An uncouth man before her...
She was searching him...
In her  long forgotten past.

She stood up...
Walkded sround him ...
Out into the open courtyard ...
Her Garden of Eden ...
A distant memory ...
Etched somewhere in the grey matter...
But no recollection...
Of the man rolling on the dirt behind her.

He turned over ...
Tears streaming over his cheeks ...
Remorseful ...
He hangs his head down in shame.

Loving him ...

.... She died bit by bit ...
All her life ...
Just one ...
And, when she found him ...
He was lost forever ...
The moments melting away ...
she lost her moments with him ...
she lost him ...
In the sandstorm called life ...
Passing by his lane ...
she cries ....
Tears trickling down pale cheeks ...
Sobbing her heart out ...
She moves on ....
Nowhere to go ...
But back into her empty shell ...
The caravan of life ebbing away.

Time hasn't stood still ...
Not for anyone ...
Not for her too ...
It passes by ...
She lives in her fantasies ...
A life in full circle ...
Living each moment ...
as if her last...
Missing him , her curse...
Loving him , her boon.
Loose threads of memories ...
Beautiful moments with him ...
Raw threads of the heart ...
Strings attached by unknown bond....
She reaches out to him in her dreams.

Loving him ...is all she has ever known ...

The ire of a woman...

The wrath unleashed ...
A volley of swears...
Waves of anger...
Hitting your shores ...
Breaking every bit of your happiness...
The ire of a woman ...
Let loose on you.

Mind what you do ...
Accursed is your being ...
In her anger ...
The woman you used ...
The one who placed you on a pedestal ...
Shall unthrone you.

Your Kingdom shall be burnt to ashes ...
All your glory down the drain...
Beware the ire of a woman ....
Who once  loved you.
She shall never cease to love ...
But respect never will she ...
For you are a mere mortal being ...
With flaws, pains and aches.

She pities you ...
For your trifle flings ...
She lets loose the cuss words ...
For she knows you ain't nothing ...
But a tramp romping free.

The woman with the  crooked teeth...
How ugly is her heart...
That you need to find solace...
Elsewhere each day...
How evil is the lazy one ...
That you need to energize ...
Spend your libido here and there ...
For the mere lusty feel.

Shame on you and ...
Shame on her ...
The one with crooked teeth...
May you both burn in a living hell ...
Each day and each night.

The ire of a woman ...
A good woman ...
The curse shall take its course.