She knows the story well...
She turns a blind eye to all...
For why should she...
Jeopardise her paradise...
For a rented life ...
When she is living rent free with him...
The whore beside him ...
Knows her yin from her yang.
She won't risk her luxuries...
Not barter her comfort...
For what is a jerk by him ...
Gonna make her lose...
Her enjoyment , a cushy life ...
Her pussy, a dry zone.
The whore beside him ...
Knows it all...
For she has the winning cards...
The issues he thinks are his...
Are they really his?
Doesn't seem so...
So different, they look...
So unlike him...
He is just an unpaid servant...
Taking care of her sins.
The whore beside him ...
Smiles with her crooked teeth showing...
The glint in her eyes...
Say it all.