Thursday, October 2, 2014

A slice of life...

Boredom, compels me to pen down my thoughts...
Anything and everything ...
Just anything ...
Out of the blue ...
Random thoughts ...
Moments from memories ...
Haunting insecurities ...
Just about anything ...
And, everything.
Not a word or feeling missed...
Right from the bottom of my heart....
A slice of life ...
Each time...
My life ...
Moments of my abominable life...
A life well lived ...
Not a relationship regretted...
Each a pearl of experience ...
Precious and beautiful.

A slice of life ...
My life.

Cry me a River ...

Without any remorse ...
He said...
Cry me a river ...
Is it so simple?
To just enter someone's life ...
And then ,
Just walk away...
Ear to ear ...
Another vanquished soul...
Another one destroyed.

So easy to cry a river ...
And walk away.
So easy to trap someone...
Use them...
And walk away.

Why walk in on someone's happiness...
Being aware of your status...
Why ruin a smile...
And , just walk away?

You are the accursed soul...
May there be no happiness in your life...
May you lose it all...
All that you love ...
May you lose it all.
Cry me a river dude.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: The Abominable Salesman .... The Infidel Bastard ....

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: The Abominable Salesman .... The Infidel Bastard ....: Gosh! Festival time and he grins .. Poses like a hero ... Little does she know ... His truth ... The con man ... The one who gets awa...

The Abominable Salesman .... The Infidel Bastard ...

Festival time and he grins ..
Poses like a hero ...
Little does she know ...
His truth ...
The con man ...
The one who gets away by lying.

Holding his little ones ...
A grim expression  on his face ...
But, with the fat one ...
A loving smile ...
Hiding his wicked acts ....
How far fetched  is that smile ...
Only She knows.

The one who preens in front of the life size mirror ...
The one who watches her slyly...
Yeah ! The Salesman ...
He and his ways ...
Of conning them all.

Hah... The grinning smile ...
So like him ...
The eyes they tell all ...
Of his wayward ways...
The Bong ...
The infidel Bastard of them all.

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: Like the fine French Wine ...

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: Like the fine French Wine ...: She flows through her life ... Each day maturing a bit ... Just like ... The fine French Wine. He watches her... Remaining in the sha...

Like the fine French Wine ...

She flows through her life ...
Each day maturing a bit ...
Just like ...
The fine French Wine.

He watches her...
Remaining in the shadows ...
Every move of hers noted ...
She knows ...
She smiles and ...
Moves on .

He had made promises ...
Of Fine Wine  and Chocolates ...
She awaits  ..
The fulfillment...
Of those subtle desires.

The fine Gentle man ...
The World sees ...
The finer man ...
She has seen ...
From close up front ...
Her bucket list ...
A visit to his abode.

An intelligent impostor ..
what makes him tick?
She wonders ...
She ponders ...
What his life would be like ...
Living in fear of exposure ...
Yet committing crimes.

Like the French wine her love grows ...
For she likes the excitement ...
Of a good chase ...
The one she gives him ...
For all he is worth.

No reason...

There was no reason to move on...
Yet Move on , she did...
For his commitments were dear to her ...
She didn't want him to falter in them...
There was no reason at all ...
Yet she moved on.

In order to stay away...
She had to break his heart...
She declared him dead for her...
So he would be hurt...
She hurts for having said so...
But there was no other option ...
He had to hate her enough ...
To let go...
There really was no reason to move on...
But move on she did.

She couldn't bear to see him torn ...
A tormented soul ...
She prays for his heart to heal...
For somewhere there was ...
Once her nest.

She loves him through his little ones ...
There laughter gives her reason to smile...
The pain an ache always to be there ...
Yet she smiles in her stride.

She dreams of being with him in the willows someday...
Walking the untread paths...
The hills beyond beckoning ...
Maybe a silver sunset someday.

There was a reason she moved away ...
For in her aloneness she found peace...
A loner all her life...
She loves her reclusiveness.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Mountains to conquer...

He has many more battles to win...

More mountains to climb...  

 Host of challenges to face...

Before he can win back his lady love.

He is coming to terms with reality...
She awaits his return ... 

For sacrifices of decades ...
Cannot be forgotten ...
The pain writ large on their faces...
They face their harsh realities each day.

Their love survived the tsunami of battered emotions...
The hurricanes that ripped them apart ...
The tornados reeling them...
Thrashing them around typhoons....
Name a disaster thry haven't faced...
They braved through it all.

The distractions threatening them all along...
Yet somehow...
A thread kept them together...
The bond of love...
An epic love story...
Yes, they all talk of it...
It survived.

He still needs to conquer a lot of mountains...
She is sure, he willl.