Monday, September 29, 2014

Mountains to conquer...

He has many more battles to win...

More mountains to climb...  

 Host of challenges to face...

Before he can win back his lady love.

He is coming to terms with reality...
She awaits his return ... 

For sacrifices of decades ...
Cannot be forgotten ...
The pain writ large on their faces...
They face their harsh realities each day.

Their love survived the tsunami of battered emotions...
The hurricanes that ripped them apart ...
The tornados reeling them...
Thrashing them around typhoons....
Name a disaster thry haven't faced...
They braved through it all.

The distractions threatening them all along...
Yet somehow...
A thread kept them together...
The bond of love...
An epic love story...
Yes, they all talk of it...
It survived.

He still needs to conquer a lot of mountains...
She is sure, he willl.

The Ultimate Warrior ...

A battle rages within him ...
Day in and day out ...
He is the ultimate warrior...
His indomitable spirit ...
Notwithstanding his pain ...
His ache only she understood ...
The dilemma he faced ...
His pain became hers ...
She ached for his return ...
Return he did ...
Yet, again to leave ...
For he has many more battles to win...
The ultimate warrior ..
For his lady dearest ...
Works day and night ...
So he can take her home ....
A home where she belongs ...
Their World ...
A paradise ...
The envy of all.

The Ghost returns ...

Her life her times ...
A very important figure...
In her life ...
Changing the entire  course of her life...
And its destiny.
The Aviator ...
An indispensable entity...
The passion...
The sole desire...
The knight in shining armour...
Reminiscent of him...
She remembers him.  something else in store...
All was lost...
When he was lost...
The anger never subsided...
Raging within her like a wildfire...
Consuming her entire World...
She was never the same again.
Burnt with desires ...
Quelled with water of pain...
She lived ...
Only to tell her story...
To relive it each day...
Gnawing her from within...h
The desires raged...
In the wake of which...
All was lost.
She lost him...
She lost herself...
She was never the same again.  returned ...
Only to  find her skeletal remains...
The woman he loved was gone...
She was a ghost of herself.
He seeks her to no avail ...
He hasn't lost hope ...
But, he has lost her.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Relatively Selfish ...

Relatives ...

You can't choose them ...

They come packaged in your blood wrapped in your skin and you can do notjing to shrug them off.
What ever you do , in the end it is you who gets hurt, you who gets sucked by the selfishness of relatives.
Had my fill of relatives. Don't want them no more in my life di tzting terms to me. I might as well be the loner I am than do niceties to selfish rogues.

Relatively selfish people... they come in all shapes and sizes. Why bother doing anything for thankless people. Might as well pack my bags and move on.

Time to make a fresh start. Time to move on. Time to just let go. Emotions need to be kept in check and just harden my stance and go away.

She was right when she said , yes Sharada ... whatever you do is less in the end they are thankless.

She was right when she said , yes Nan ... Don't blow away your career for her, she will ditch you. Don't make such a  big sacrifice. She was right.

Damn relatively selfish relatives.

Friday, September 26, 2014

His little ones...

Their love ...
So innocent so pure...
Their needs so small ...
His little ones ...
When they rush towards her...
When they want none but her...
She lives a lifetime...
Her entire life has a meaning tgen ...
Ìt is worth living another day ...
Waiting for them ...
Their tiny fingers seeking hers...
Encircling her fingers...
Tugging at her dress...
Pulling her towards them ...
That is pure love.
Asking her for forbidden goodies...
Which they know ...
Only she can give them ..
Her time...
Her love ...
Her compassion...
She loves them as her own ...
Feeling him through them ...
The love that was hers...
He couldn't give...
But he gifted her the most precious...
His own to play with...
To nurture...
Yes , his little ones...
Hers for two hours a day ...
Those two hours ...
She comes alive....
Lives a lifetime...
In his memories...
Feeling blessed...
The lord gave her Agni back ...
As his little ones.

Missed chance ...

Their love ...
Is what myths and stories are all about ...
Magic at its best ...
Gods benevolence ...
Of meeting and separation ...
Meeting again only to separate again...
That is the magic of love ...
Living through the trauma ...
Yet steadfast ...
For the better of all.

She has no regrets ...
She sent him package ...
But, she still loves him ...
Shd pines for his love ...
Yet , won't condescend for their selfishness...
That is the purity of love ...
To give up ...
And burn self ...
So others can live happily.

She walks barefeet ...
On smouldering coal ...
Burning her feet is her way of life ...
Tears not withstanding ...
She has a smile pasted on her lips ...
He would be unhappy to see her sad ...
So she smiles ...
Laughs with gay abandon...
And moves on ...
Their story is what ...
Fables are made of...
Their love story...
A parable unmatched.

A missed chance ...
Changed their entire destiny...
They separated to meet ...
And miss the chance again.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

His Essence ...

He left her bitter and hurting ...
But, what he left behind ...
Made her live life again.
She spends her days loving his essence...
His little ones ...
In her arms they are happy ...
Loving them , she is happy.
Each day ...
When they want none but her ...
They rush to her for their needs ...
She feels whole once again.
Their tiny hands tugging at her dress...
Small eyes looking up to her ...
Scrambling onto her lap ...
A prized seat to tussle for ...
Yes, his essence is there ...
To keep her company ...
To make her day...
To remind her ...
He was there once ...
Her long wait of decades...
Fruituous to the core ...
This is what God had in mind ...
When he sent him to her door.

In nis little ones ...
She has found her World ...
Her happiness once again...
His essence ...
Swooning in her delight ...
She looks forth to the  sweet sound ...
Of the tiny feet ....
Making their way into her heart...
And into her life each day.
There is a waft of wind ...
That warns her ...
They are coming ...
And she rushes out to greet His Essence.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Toota aaina ...

Woh toot gayi to kya gham hai ...
Woh chhoot gaya toh gaya gham hai ...
Armanon ka gala ghuta ...
Ya tasveeron ki bali chadi ...
Jo hua woh ek nashtar sa ...
Chhubhta teekha keel bana...
Armanon ka gehra jheel bana ...
Sapnon ka saaya utar gaya ...
Jo theek laga tuney woh kiya ...
Reh gaya kya baaki ...
Hamare unn jazbaaton ka?

Toota aaina dekh dekh ...
Tukdon banti zindagi dekh ..
Woh toot gayi ...
Woh bikhar gayi ...
Tu toh apni raah chala.