Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Big Burly Bear ...

He growls and they scamper ...
He whines and whimpers for me ...
My Big Burly Bear ...
The Grizzly I love ...
Yeah! I love him when he roars ...
Out in the Wild ...
A loud roar calling my name ...
I melt within ...
He knows  how to make me go weak ...
Not by force ...
But just those words ...
whimpering .. Babyyyy

The Big Burly Bear ...
I am his Goldilocks ...
All's fair in love ....
The shouts and the pain.

The Giant Baby Bear ...
I shrink in size when he is near ...
Yeah! I love him ...
My Big Grizzly Bear.

Anger at the tip of his nose ...
Anger in his words ...
A pathetic verbiage ...
Swear in his rant...
Diarrhoea of sorts ...
He drinks his loneliness away....
Never realizing am just a call away.

The Grizzly guzzles beer ...
The Grizzly loves me Dear ...
But, his pathetic male ego ...
His raunchy desires ...
Make me turn away...
Yeah! I love him ...
But, I won't relent ...
Til he mends his ways ...
It shouldn't take long ...
Else all will be lost ...
I shall be lost to the Big Burly Bear.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Relapse...

There is a complete loss of memory ....
A lapse not known before ...
Numbing of senses ...
Numbness of feelings ...
Yes, feelings lost ...
Temporarily or forever...
Not known are the reasons ...
For such a drastic change ..
A chemical aberration ..
Or, disillusionment with life ...
Whatever be it ...
It has changed the person ...
Who I am ...
Is radically changed henceforth.

A relapse might or might not occur...
A gain in memories ...
A distant thought ...
Feelings will not return ...
For sure...
They are lost ... Forever.

Friday, January 10, 2014

I Miss YOU

There are no dots  after I MISS YOU

The feeling is infinite ,
Abysmal vagueness about it,
A faint ache that drowns the fear,
Of losing you ever,
For you are never far from my thoughts.

Every action brings to mind the query,
Will he approve of this if he saw me do this?
Will he be happy reading me?
Will he be stressed unnecessarily?
Then, the though of him smiling,
A faint quiver of his lips,
Just an imagined bliss,
And, I commit the blunder,
I act on a whimsical note,
Gathering all my senses ,
Attuned to his beating heart,
The rhythm synonymous,
With my own heart beats.

Yes, I do Miss YOU,
Every waking hour,
Every thinking moment,
I am attached to you,
Via an unseen umbilical chord,
You rule my thoughts,'You rule my Heart,
What else do you need to conquer the World?

Missing you is all I know ...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Retard Grown Up ... You are accursed

Yes, we have Retards that have grown up but their thinking is as retarded as the growth of their Penis.
Men that categorise women , never thinking that they were born of one and have one as a sibling.
The retarded Fucktard is what this post all about.

One can have only so many as one can ingest and digest. You crossed the limits in all absurdity and shall face the music. You don't send messages to women at 2:26 am and when she doesn't respond refer to her as an Item Girl. Does your Mamma and sister look like one to you that it turns you on and you go around the countryside dead drunk calling up Women asking for sexual favors of them? Ah! You are so retarded Jimmy Boy. The Emperor shall not Rule ; for it is time for the Retard to bow down and scourge garbage for his livelihood.

Totally dependent on others for your livelihood, how do you think you are great? You are nothing but a rat of the alleys that run deep in your city. A drunkard you have no identity of your own. All you own is a big fat Ego and an Ugly face. Balding and poker face you expect women to fall for you, a fallacy that has brought your downfall.

I would have continued loving you .. but, not anymore ; for I don't respect you and you don't deserve it anyways.

I pray that you shall never find peace. May this curse be your life long tragedy.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Missing the Charisma that was ...

He was a thought ...
A paramour par excellence; ..
The dream shattered ...
The moment I heard his voice ...
The picture of a suave ...
Sophisticated Scientist ...
Vaporised in thin air ...
All that was left  was ...
A cowardly non committal wimp...
Missing the Charisma he was.

Sad, but true ...
Any dream further dashed to the ground ...
For, this is not what a man ought to be ...
A man , ought to be strong ...
Stand by his commitments ...
Stand by his word ...
Stand by the emotions he expresses...
Else, he is no man ...
He is just another Dickhead ...
One with no respect for truth ..
No dignity to display...
Missing the Charisma he was.

Today, he stands small in my eyes ...
Today, I don't respect him ...
Today, I realize ...
The man I loved is no more.

Missing the Charisma that was his ...
Missing him is all I can do ...
For the one that I see in his place ...
Isn't the one I would want to dream of.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The waft of freshness ...

The yeast helping raise the flour ...
The soft spongy dough ...
Slipped into the oven ...
And, lo behold!
The most divine sensation ...
The freshly baked bread ...
The divine smell from the heaven called My Oven ...
I couldn't have asked for a much better experience ...
The bite into the loaf ...
An orgasmic gasp ...
The freshly baked smell ...
Of Freshly baked Bread...
The waft of freshness ...
That fills my life with bliss.

The path lost ...

A silent sigh escapes ...
The damsels pursed lips ...
She turned ...
But, all she saw was ...
A barren land ...
All that is there is a dusty wasteland...\
Vanished in a blur of dust ...
Dry leaves ...
Twigs ...
Nothing but death personified.

She watches herself ...
Bleeding to death ...
She smiles and moves further ...
The River of Death ...
Gaping at her ...
Only water ...
The colour of Blood ...
She wades through ...
The raging current taking her away ...
She walks the path all alone ...
That the river paves for her ...
Bones marking the way ahead.

She is lost ...
The path of her life is lost ...
Lost along the way are her the ones dear to her.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Conversations with ...

I have these talks ...
Conversations with People ...
Discussions with like minded intellectuals ...
Yes, I have my share of conversations ...
Must I say ...
I am glad I have these conversations.

Not glib talk ...
No shop talk ...
Talks on Politics ...
Talks on Birds and bees ...
Talks about general scenario in ...
And , around the World ...
I talk to them all ...
Who fuel my thoughts.

Then, there are these very ,,,
Personal conversations  that I have ...
With You and Myself ...
I have them all cooked up in my thoughts ...
A beautiful setting ....
You and Me ...
Talking endlessly ...
About nothing and everything ....
Yes, Those are my vivid imaginations ...
Just You and Me ....
Beside a lake ...
Sitting on a green turf .....
Just You and Me ...
You holding me close to you ...
And, my head rested on your ...
Strong yet supple shoulders.

I have conversations ....
With myself ...
All by myself I sit ....
I contemplate on life ....
Musings of events gone by ...
A slight smile ...
You and Me ...
Myself ...
The rest of the World on the Other side.

My conversations ...
They set the precedent for my life.