Sunday, January 5, 2014

Conversations with ...

I have these talks ...
Conversations with People ...
Discussions with like minded intellectuals ...
Yes, I have my share of conversations ...
Must I say ...
I am glad I have these conversations.

Not glib talk ...
No shop talk ...
Talks on Politics ...
Talks on Birds and bees ...
Talks about general scenario in ...
And , around the World ...
I talk to them all ...
Who fuel my thoughts.

Then, there are these very ,,,
Personal conversations  that I have ...
With You and Myself ...
I have them all cooked up in my thoughts ...
A beautiful setting ....
You and Me ...
Talking endlessly ...
About nothing and everything ....
Yes, Those are my vivid imaginations ...
Just You and Me ....
Beside a lake ...
Sitting on a green turf .....
Just You and Me ...
You holding me close to you ...
And, my head rested on your ...
Strong yet supple shoulders.

I have conversations ....
With myself ...
All by myself I sit ....
I contemplate on life ....
Musings of events gone by ...
A slight smile ...
You and Me ...
Myself ...
The rest of the World on the Other side.

My conversations ...
They set the precedent for my life.

You changed the entire Algorithm of Love ...

We met ...
We separated ...
We met again ,,
We parted ways again .....
We met  ..
And, it all came flooding back ......
The pain ..
The ache of separation ...
Our Love ...
You changed the way of Love ...
You changed it's meaning ...
You changed it's entire Logarithm ''''

Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Selfishness ...

Sometimes all I want Is A reset button.. Not because I want To change The past.. But because I wish I could Live It again.

Yes, I Love you ....
I want you all for Myself...
But, I know ...
The Twain shall never meet ...
Where is the harm in ...
So, My Darling ...
All I do is Dream ...
A dream about You and Me...
A dream about US.

I am Selfish ....
All I want is YOU ...
Not Diamonds ...
Not Fame ...
Just Your Name as mine ...
 My Name as Yours.

Read this Somewhere ...

"Whosoever's-name-can-bring-us-maximum-gain" at heart

Your Name gives me the gain ...
The momentum to live Life...

Profound words :

"The person is merely the result of a misunderstanding. In reality, there is no such thing."

So, My Belief ...
Term it as Selfishness ...
Is a staunch emphatic ...
Statement ...
That delivers the understanding ...

 In all my Selfishness ..
I truly Love you ...
I want to see you reaching Great Heights ...
I want to see me ...
Besides you ...
Achieving all your goals ...
Following all you Dreams ...
Who else will be fool ...
To Never believe ...
This Love Exists....
My Selfishness EXISTS.

Master_Saab: The very epitome of selfishness ...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Nothingness ...

In a high static state ...
She flies here and there ...
The clouds her carpet ...
The breeze her companion...
She moves in and out,...
Up and down ...
Testing her threshold each time ...
Flying fearlessly is all she knows ..
Now boosted in drugs ....
She flies higher ...
Limitless space beckoning ...
She propels her streamlined body ...
Countering the friction of Gravity...
Surface and Space ...
The heat ...
The Enthalpy Moment ....
Her passion and his blatant lies ...
Sleepless she watches his every move ...
What next is his ulterior motive ...
For once a cannibal ...
You remain so forever.

Nothingness comes out of Nothing ...
His passion for her shows ...
His denial to his own feelings ...
A turmoil in HIS Nothingness.

Pretty evident is his passion for her ...
Evident is his pain ...
Yet she craves him ...
The Only one whose heart she broke.

Her Nothingness melts in the dark of the night ...
She becomes one with him ...
Following every word that his pen writes ...
She of course is his ONLY Muse.

Their Nothingness is a tragic tale ...
Of the Twain that never met ...
Yet they love each other ...
Melting into each others Nothingness.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cheers! To New Mistakes ...

Here is to The New Year ...
Here is to The New Mistakes we shall make ...
Kudos to days gone by ...
Springs, Summers. Autumns and Winters ...
All splinters  of memories.

Long forgotten friendships ...
Long gone by days of happiness ..
Long nights of Sweet nothings ...
Long wait for Euphoria.

Cheers! To the new Dawn ...
The dawn that shall see ...
Life in the fast lane ...
And creeping slowly...
A time worth the wait ...
Beckons the call of Future.

Life ... like a marble

Smooth and round ...
A perfect sphere ...
A sphere of life ...
Life is like a marble ...
Round and perfect and ...
So delicate ...
One hurt and a chip ...
Scars and mars it for life.
A perfect sphere ...
Life comes one full circle.
A great life ...
A screed being ..
Yet, happy and content ...
For all experiences made her grow ....
Grow into a beautiful bird ...
With a thorn in her heart ....
A bleeding yet ...
Perfectly sinless heart ...
Smiling lips and purity in thoughts ...
Waiting upon the one ...
That would never Return.
Yet she perks up ....
Every sound a tinkle ...
The Tinker bell Fairy ...
By her side ...
The Stories of Peter Pan ...
In her kitty ...
he dreams on ...
As a child that she did ...
A child still ...
She dreams on ...
Her Life ...
Transparent as a Marble ...
Scarred and beautiful as a marble...
The Ivory plain Marble ...
She ... walks on towards a new dawn.

I am happy in my Solitude ...

A few moments spent by myself ...
I spring forth ,.
With renewed mirth and laughter ...
A fresh lease of Life.
I am happy in my solitude.

Deep within conversations ...
Intrapersonal dialogues ...
An introspective mood ...
A restrospective attitude ...
That is what sets apart ...
The mood for the time being ...
I am happy in my solitude.

Gone are the bygone moments ...
Gone are the people in it ...
Fresh faces ...
A new life ...
Beckoning glances ...
New vigour ...
New hands to hold forth.
I am happy in my solitude.

Bidding adieu to old life ...
Bidding all goodbyes ...
Life couldn't be better ...
Had you all not been there.
I love my solitude ...
Am happy in my solitude.