Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Once again... The wings are eager to spread out ...

Like the Albatross,
Wing spanning far and wide ...
I rise ...
Soaring high in the sky ...
Amongst the clouds...
Gliding down to Earth.

The wing spanning ....
Crooked moutains ,
Desseret areas
.... Rivers na shallow brooks ..
Grns and petakThat;s me ... al mine

Buss kuch hai ri kahani ..
lambi kahan ...
sunn lo yoj safar kutt jayegg

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Story as it goes ...

The saga began a long time ago ....
Never to end ...
Each time a different tale to tell ....
Each time a different story to begin ....
The story as it goes ....
Is the story of love ....
A journey that never ends.

The main Character stays ...
The others ...
They play their part and leave ...
All return at various intervals ...
Only to be thwarted ...
The advances turned a blind eye to ...
For they gave up their roles.

A story begins ...
Sometimes in Winter ...
Sometimes in Spring ...
At times during Monsoons ...
And, almost everyday.

Love never ends ...
It comes in full bloom ...
Different hues and colours each time ...
But, never ends.

A new lover each time ...
A new meaning to the word Love ...
But, never Lust ...
Pure and simple Love ...
With a twist each time.

For there are flowers ...
Of different colours and fragrance ...
We love them all ...
Prefer a  few ...
Love is the same .....
A Flower...
Each time different.

The Story ...
My Love story is nothing new ...
Yet it is different ....
 A ladder step at a time ...
Miles of yarn ...
Storeys of a building to climb ...
A new web spun of words ...
Catharsis and pain ...
Yet a new gain each time ...
A new experience.

The Story as it goes ...
Ages with mildew and time ...
My time on Earth ...
Worthwhile while it lasts.

The Professor of Science ...
Loveth the Professor of Words and verses ...
He knows not what else to do ...
So peeps in from to time.
That's the power of True Love ...
Our Love Story ...
The saga continues.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The French Connection ....

Aromatic breads, buns, cakes and pies ........

My French Connection is all about ................
Passion, Pride and Justice .

A long story, forgotten ...
But a new one written ...
Love you My French Man ...
Love you Professor .

Friday, November 22, 2013

His Pain ...

His pain ...
It makes it impossible to move on ...
His rantings on love lost ...
Make the heart sad ...
My love lost amidst the chaos of confusion ...
He my love is saddened by the fact ...
That I left him...
Whereas the blatant truth is ...
I never left ...
He found happiness elsewhere.
I waited that night ...
I wait still ...
The night never ended ...
But, yes one life ended ..
A woman never became herself again ...
She lost track of time ...
Her goals and aspirations ...
She remains sozzled in wine and liquor ...
Hallucinogens to keep her company ...
For what she lost was not just love ...
She lost her Self Esteem.

Her dreams ...
Her hope ...
Her love ...
 Lost forever ...
But, most important ...
Her trust and faith gone ...
She walks around as though a Ghost ..
A pale version of a beauty that has faded ...
Into the oblivion.

His pain...
She has taken upon herself ...
She hurts herself each day ...
She dies a thousand deaths  each day ...
She lives no more ...
She exists. Period.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fidelity ...

What do you know of Fidelity ?

A word so ambiguous ...
The very meaning a whorous  chorus of blasphemy.
The word doesn't sound good coming from your vocal chords.
What do you know fidelity is?
All your life ...
an Incredulous Bum ...
You put to shame the name of Love.

You hurt ...
How Ironical !
Yes, you Hurt the one who waits upon you ...
The one who trusted you to the very core of her being.
She hurts each moment ...
Living yet so dead ...
Embellishing herself with jewelry of want...
Desirous of only you.
She waits each day ...
She numbs her senses to sleep ...
Addicted to hallucinogens ...
She dreams of only you.

She waits upon you ...
Visits your hunting grounds ...
Looks at the frivolity of your words and being ...
She kills her thoughts ...
In smoke she disappears ....
In wine she seeks solace ...
Yet, no peace reaches her ...
Her very being torn to shreds by your Infidelity.

Fidelity is all she sought ...
You raped her sense and sensibilities.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Heart Break ...

A silent prayer ...
For the bleeding heart I own ...
All the faith ...
All that trust ...
In smithereens ...
A bullet so sharp ...
It blew the heart apart ...
A trust broken ...
Never allowing it to mend itself.

Eyes brimming with tears ...
Salty water all set to flow ..
No, Woman , be ye strong ...
For he didn't deserve your Love ...
He doesn't deserve these tears too.
they are precious ...
But, a lesson learnt ...
Never trust a man again.

Will never smile again ...
The gay abandon ...
The exuberance lost ...
The butterfly's wings clipped ...
A trust betrayed..

Heart Break ...
I swear will never love again.

Still Hungover ...

Yes, am still hungover ...
And in ecstasy.

The ecstasy of a pure love ...
that never demands ...
The hangover of a love ...
That hurts itself ...
But give out only love.

Yes, this is true love ...
When all you do is...
Wait upon the one ...
Who is hurting too ...
Return O' lost one ...
for you belong to me ...
To my loneliness ...
You are the only hope.

You watch over me ...
You read me ...
Yet, you remain in the shadows ...
You are the only love I crave ...
Yours is the only love  I desire.

Am still hungover ....
Hung over in your love ...
The passion ...
My Lover ...
My life in your hands.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Yet another tale begins ...

What is it in the air?
What is it that makes me smile?
What is it that makes me happy?
Love .. It is all about Love, my Love!
Yes, Love is in the air,
I am madly and insanely in love ...
Head over heels in love ...
Blame it on the raging hormones ...
Blame it on the autumn wind ...
Blame it on the falling leaves ...
Blame it on the chill in the air ...
Nothing but Love moves the World for me ....
Yes! I am in Love once again ...
All over , yet another tale begins.
All cares, to the winds ...
Just love smacked look in the eyes ...
An amorous unison on the cards ...
Yet, another tale begins.