Tuesday, November 12, 2013

See your Watch and Tell the truth ...

See your watch and tell the truth ...
Before the Strongman blows the Horn.

That is what ought to happen ...
Whether it be love or ...
Whether it be truth to be told ...
Why carry a grouse ...
Why hold grudges ...
Why dig graves ...
Why spin webs ...
Just let go or accept.

It is easy to point a finger at another and cry Wolf ...
Look within, what hides behind your grin.

Look at your Swiss watch ...
See the needles moving ...
Whirring away while in time ...
Reminding you of your deeds and misdeeds.

You put the blame on a soul...
That trusted you with truth ...
One who opened up to you ...
In return you blithe her name ...
You antagonise her with hooligans ....
Telling them your secrets ...
Being the sad one here ...
Agonising over what can be ...
You have dug your own grave ...
See your Watch and tell the truth ...
Before the Strongman blows the horn. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cutie Beauty ...

Remembering this term of Endearment ....
Cutie Beauty ...
He would refer to me as ...
For all his love was supposedly bestowed upon me.
Little did I know...
That I was just another fish in the pond of the con man ....
A con man from France called ...
ChandraShekhar Pati Tripathi ...
Telling women...
You are the only one who knows my reality ...
And, telling in messages and mails ...
Making each one feel special ...
Conned as Cutie Beauties.

He poses as a pious man ...
A man of integrity ...
Putting to shame the family name ...
That he proudly wears as a crown.

Ah! The con man ...
The beauty of his expertise ...
Words that pacify ...
Words that seduce ...
He uses them all ...
And, ensnares the girls.

When his game was exposed ...
All he did was whine and cry ...
A sordid tale of his contempt ...
For the one who trusted him so much.

Cutie Beauty can wield a Sword ...
A pen that exposes him...
In her heart she still holds though ...
Feelings soft for him.

छोटू गणेश

इसी नाम से पुकारा करते थे वो हमें ...
छोटू गणेश ...

लड्डू का भोग लगते...
प्यार की मीठी बातें करते....
हम उन बातों में खो जाते ...
छोटू गणेश का प्यार ...
सोनू त्रिपाठी ...

देवरिया का इतिहास....
सोनपुर में पैदाइश ...
अल्लाहाबाद में शिक्षा ..
लखनऊ के नवाब ...
अब फ्रांस की शान ...
छोटू गणेश का प्यार ...
चंद्रशेखर पति त्रिपाठी....
एक अदद नाटककार....
वैज्ञानिक कलाकार

An Indian Spy in France?

Such low profile...
Worried about his identity ..
Knowledge of all the protocols...
Could he be ...
Could he possibly be a Spy?
Operating mostly in twilight hours...
Night time...
His favourite playground....
Social sites...
Scrolling up and down others pages ...
Googling ...
Swooning over girls ...
Jerking it off while chatting to them ...
All his frustrations met with ...
Annihilated dreams ..
Could he  be ...
Could he possibly be an Indian spy in France?

Through the shifting sands of time ...
I have sifted your profile ...
No history to back up your claims ...
No geography that holds you back ...
Like another spy on the prowl ...
Today you prowl the Lawns of Lyon ...
What is it that the labs hold there?
Or is it, like all else ...
You a re a spy for some ulterior purpose?

You become exasperated upon queries ...
Th word Lyon sends shivers up your spine ...
You are hiding something ...
In that Hiding lies the answer.

You are an Indian Spy in France ...
The motive known to you.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Marigold doesn't bloom here anymore ...

Bright yellow, sometimes orange ...
Blooms large and small...
A poignant smug parfum' ...
The Marigold doesn't bloom here anymore .

The one that is used to worship ..
To adorn your doors and floors ...
That , that Marigold ...
Doesn't bloom here anymore.

There was a time ..
When aplenty grew the flower in the valley ...
Now, all you see is weeds ...
For the heart of Earth is no more.

Man, with his unkind greed ...
Has raped the Earth of its bounties ...
Leaving barren wombs of fields ...
Where nothing grows no more.

The Marigold, it doesn't bloom here anymore.

Friday, November 8, 2013

You Read Me ...

Sixty two page views ...
What makes you come back here and read me ?
What will you gain by reading me?
Each time , you shall find ...
Only your name imprinted in each word that I shed ...
Each word that I bleed ...
My heart knows no one else but you ...
Your thoughts an obsession ....
Without you the World makes no sense.

You Read Me ...
Yet you run away from me ...
What is it that you seek ?
A sadistic pleasure in my trauma?
The exhilaration that someone really dotes over you ...
The euphoric feeling of manhood ...
What a shame it is ...
That you distance yourself from true love ...
To seek Artificial smiles ...
To gain false love from fake people.

You Read me for what purpose?
To run away from the emptiness of your World?
The words of a genius ...
Entrapped within a coarse set of people ...
Why do you subject yourself to gullibility ...
When you are set for a higher goal?

The purpose of your life sorted out ...
No. never with the kind you associate with ...
That is not you ...
You are above them all ...
You read me ...
To find yourself...
You read me ...
Seeking that seeker within.

I am aware ...

I am aware you are reading me ...
Are you aware I love you ...
I know it is absurd in your eyes ...
But, this love is true...
You can't love a person if you don't respect him or her ...
It is not about your love ...
It is all about my respect for you and ...
My undying love for you.
Il told you ...
I fell in love with you ...
So I told you my reality ...
There is no conning in telling the truth...
What I feel for you is not lust ...
I crave your presence ...
Not for lustful gains ...
But for discussions on any and everything ...
I have found my match only in you ....
Someone who can hold his own and yet be mine ....
I visit far away places in my imagination ...
Far and wide I travel with you beside me in my imagination ...
Discussing the art & architecture,
Cuisine and Scientology ...
I discuss everything under the Sky with you.

They say I have gone insane ...
Smiling all by myself ...
Walking away into the unknown ...
They have given up all hope ...
They say I am dying ...
A slow death ...
Substance abuse has become my weakness ...
You revolve all around me ...
I can't forget that ...
So I drug myself to a forced sleep ....
They say I am dying ...
I have no sense of the World ...
abdicating all my responsibilities ...
Yet smiling all the time ...
Wandering into the Woods ...
Talking to an imaginary companion ...
They are waiting for me to die ...
For them there is no hope ...
They don't know what is eating me within ...
I just keep walking and ...
Talking to myself.

I am aware you are aware ....
Yet you remain far away ...
No emotions ...
No feelings ...
So I turn my face away ...
And, get back into my surreal imaginary World...
Where besides me ...
You are happy and I am happy too.

That naughty laugh ...

Yes! he laughs uncontrollably ...
An innocent naughty laugh ....
When in a good mood ...
At cruising speed his car...
He talks to me hours on ...
No, correction needed here ...
He used to have  a healthy banter with me ...
Now, no more  do we talk ...
Now, no more do I laugh ...
Now, no more do I smile ...
All sparkle gone with the festival of lights ...
Torn apart from his life and soul .

Thousands of miles apart ...
I wonder now what he does ...
For, we spoke endlessly till dawn ...
Breaking all records.

Silly talks ...
Even sillier jokes ...
But a  love unparalleled....
A spirit bejewelled.
His laughing face ...
Naughtiness dripping from his eyes ....
A disarming smile ...
Large frame ...
A bear hug so warm to feel ...
All in imagination ...
Being in his arms ...
Listening to his rap ...
Just feeling safe there ...
Cuddling and snuggling for warmth.

That naughty laugh ....
Ringing in my ears ...
I wonder what went wrong...
Still not clear.