Saturday, November 2, 2013

Truth or Dare ...

I walked the steps ... all the way ...
Waiting at the edge for you ...
To take the first step ...
I dared you ...
Where is your Truth?
Absconding with his lies?

I wait impatiently ...
Each moment increasing my anger ...
Each moment impelling me to take the next step ....
Each moment, a reprisal ...
Each moment ...
Just waiting ...
Your Truth my dare ...
My Truth , don't you dare.

You shall return one day ...
I wouldn't be there ...
Yet I shall seek you out ...
To ask ... Why?
I shall take the plunge ...
The deep precipice beckoning me ....
Am all game for another round of pain ...
The walk through the rain of fire ...
I am game ....
For Truth and Dare.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Inner Sanctum ...

Reaching within ...
I enter The area of Introspection ...
My inner sanctum ..
My place to be ...
My cocoon ...
That encompasses the World ...
I belong to.

The Inner Sanctum ...
Holy and pure ...
Fire raging within but not there ...
A fire that threatens ...
To burn all those memories ...
Annihilate the personality ,,,
That the World perceives.

Feeding the demons within ...
Are stalwarts here and there ...
The fire in hell hath no fury ...
As the fire in my belly.
My Inner Sanctum calms me down ...
It washes over the pain ...
Subduing the fire within.

The Inner Sanctum ...
That is my Retreat.

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: Funny funny Monkey ...

Confessions of an Unjust Lady : Altruistic Renditions: Funny funny Monkey ...: The ticklish part ... In any body is the funny bone ... I am the funny funny Monkey ... With fun  in my thoughts ... Fun all the way .....

Funny funny Monkey ...

The ticklish part ...
In any body is the funny bone ...
I am the funny funny Monkey ...
With fun  in my thoughts ...
Fun all the way ...
Immersed in pun ...
Right till the Bottoms Up ...

Bragging my achievements ..
Nah , that's not funny at all ...
Making a dig at someone with my elbow ;-) ...
Yes, that's what I am all about ...
Funny funny Monkey ...
All the way.

The occasional snigger...
Raised eyebrow ..
Not mine to worry about ...
A smug smile on my lips ...
Is all I am all about.

Funny funny Monkey ...
Is all monkeying here is all about ;-)

A Seasoned Lover ...

No more spices to be added ...
He is but a Seasoned Lover ...
Yesterday it was someone else and...
Today some other fool.

He is a Seasoned Lover ...
So many seasons ...
Has he spent ...
Each season a different maid ...
A different take each time ...
A different face to fake.

A seasoned lover he is ...
A new mask he wears ...
Each time he sees a new damsel ...
That takes his fancy ...
He dumps the old stalemate.

A seasoned lover he truly is ...
What's his choice this Winter...
To keep him warm ...
The Chicken soup to his Soul...
A temporary relief ...
A release of aroma of a different kind.

A seasoned lover he is ...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Conversations I have with myself ...

Lots of banter and bashing ...
Plenty of wishful thinking ...
Feelings of joy and ....
A Touch of sadness here and there ...
These are a couple of ...
Conversations I have with myself.

Small talk...
But profound ....
They keep me busy and occupied ...
What if I had done it this way ...
What if I had done it that way ...
So many ifs and buts ...
But a thread of convo indeed.

It's like a whole truckload of musings ...
Lots of nonsense that ultimate make sense...
At least am capable ...
Of putting it down here...
Penning my thoughts ...
For when Am no more ...
My little ones will know me more.

Time has stood still for me ..
Eons of years ago ...
I still stand by the bay ...
In my thoughts ...
Letting the winds of time sway ...
The Skirt billowing ....
The wind swept hair ...
The drops of sea mist in the air ...
Feeling it all in my thoughts ...
Conversations I have with myself.

I dream of a school of thought ...
A place that allows ...
Children to be kids ...
Childhood never taken away ...
A rebel of sorts ...
I sway the bastions of Education ...
A system that ruins us all.

Conversations I have with myself ...
Keep me busy ....
Otherwise I would have languished ...
In the perennial quest ...
Of seeking myself ...
Hiding behind a Man.

A decision taken ....
A Whole new World opened ...
Lying wide open...
Ahead of me ...
A vast ocean ....
All I need is to take another plunge ...
Seek a new direction ...
Else stay put and fade away ...
I would rather ...
Have a conversation with myself...
And move into another dimension ...
Seeking another sense of joy...
A place of worship for the mind ...
A place untouched by mankind.

Conversations I have with myself ...
Make me who I am.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Black Dahlia

He proposed to her ...
A dark proposal ...
He fed her stories ...
Cooked up stories ...
Made up memories ...
He presented her ...
With a 'Black Dahlia' ...
The kind  that bleeds ...
Bleeds your heart out ...
You die a thousand deaths ...
You live a Millennium ...
Yet you are the living Dead.

He gave a Black Dahlia to her ...
He took her rosy red heart ...
The pink hue of her cheeks ...
All turned pale ...
A ghastly Ghost she turned ...
She awaits ...
In the annals of the deep forest ....
Awaits his return.

The Black Dahlia ...
In her hand ....
The dark fantasies vivid ...
She waits ...For the one ...
Who gave her the Black Dahlia.