Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Rainbow .....

The sun was up .....
It was drizzling .....
And, the rainbow appeared .....
He came into my life today ....
Like that Rainbow ......
Met him ...
and, fell in love ....
Love at first sight ....
For a man ...
Who has accepted me as I am ....
No questions asked ...
Just an understanding of who I am ....
What else can a woman ask for ....
Thank you O' Sunshine ...
For bringing the Rainbow in my life ...
The colours back in my life.
The Sun is up again ....
No more dark clouds ...
A bright sunshine ....
A bright new beginning ....
Looking forward to it.

Whatever .....

Things not happening the way they should ...
Whatever ....
Who cares ....
I don't ....
I won't .....
I have paths to carve ....
Out in the outback ....
Out in the jungles ...
Out in rural and remote places ....
Urban tadka ... not me anymore .....
I am made for the smiles ...
Innocent sweet smiles ...
Of children of a lesser God ....
I am made for the shirtless kids ....
Playing on railway tracks ...
Oblivious of the big bad World beyond.....
It's time to sit back ...
To contemplate ....
What have i achieved?
Is it achievement that I seek?
Satisfaction ....
I was following my heart ...
Albeit for the wrong people ....
And for all the wrong reasons ...
The real path lies ahead in Rural India ....
So, le yonder!
Behold O' Villages ....
Here comes the Queen ....
Without her entourage ....
But, with her experience....
She comes to liberate India ....
She comes to open minds ....
Whatever.... anyone might say ....
My calling has come ...
I need to go .... free my country ...
It is still enslaved ...
Not by the British ....
But our own narrow mindset.
Whatever be it ...
I am all set to face it ...
What else can go bad....
I have seen it all.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Walking into an oblivion ...

Barefoot ....
And bleeding ...
And torn ...
I walk into the oblivion ...
Towards the crimson horizon ...
Oblivious of the stares ...
Couldn't care for the looks ...
The whispers and sniggers ...
They don't matter ...
All that matters is ....
I am walking into the oblivion ...
All alone ....
The partner left behind ...
The one who promised left far behind .....
A lonesome picture ...
But, a woman of grit ...
And determination ....
I walk on ...
Thorns digging deep in my heels ..
Stones scraping my feet ...
Yet I move on ...
A tear or two shed here and there ....
For a love lost forever.

It was beautiful while it lasted ...
Walking into the oblivion ...
I spot the moon ....
Bright and beautiful ...
One which we saw always...
He from his abode ....
And me from mine.

Same moon ....
But just one person ...
A damsel...
Walking towards it.

A free bird ....

I want to sing like the birds sing, 
not worrying about who hears or what they think. ~ Rumi

I am a free bird ...
Roaming the skies ....
Flitting from branch to branch ....
Chirping ....
Singing the song of a lark.

I am a free bird ...
Do not cage me ...
i am born to be free....
No bondage ....
Just an adage ....
Steer clear ...
I love not thee anymore ....
I can peck ...
I can scratch ....
Nevertheless ....
I am a free bird anyway.

I have always followed my heart ....
Even when you entered my life ...
I followed my heart ....
I gave a damn about what others thought ....
i believed you ...
I gave you the command of my ship ...
You failed as a Captain ...
Your navigation skills a zilch ...
I saw no land in your reign ....
I see no land anywhere ..
Water water everywhere ...
But, not a drop to drink.

A free bird I am ....
With free thoughts ...
And, freedom of speech ...
You cannot cage me ....
Let me fly away.

Eden ....

My garden of Eden ...
Was trampled upon by you ....
You poured poison in my water canal ....
You ruined my tulips ...
you stamped upon my lillies ...
You plucked the petals from my roses ...
How can I spare you?

Nah.... you deserve no mercy .....
Painful existence is to be yours for life ...
Each moment ...
Each scar reminding you of me ...
And my garden of Eden you trampled upon.

So much venom ...
So much pain ....
The heartache to endure ...
How can you escape ...
Your fate ...
Is in my hands.

My garden of Eden will rise again ....
From your flesh and blood ..
I shall irrigate and fertilize it ....
My garden of Eden ....
Your death Bed.

My mind tells me to give up, my heart won’t let me.

What to do ?

My mind tells me to give up, my heart won’t let me.

Mind over matter ...
Heart over matter ....
Confusion .....

Flowers from the heart of a true lover .... A love story never told before ...

This is the story of a man and a woman who loved each other truly ...
The story of pure love .....
She loved flowers ...
His garden glows with these flowers and the creation of God and love .....

She worshipped him and he loved her ...
A pure love ....
A true story ...
The flowers are witness to his undying love for her ...

They can never be separated ....
Ever ... ever ...
They are one through their passion ...
The vibrant and bright colours ....
Telling their love story ...
He was inexpressive via words ...
But he expressed through his garden of love ....

Today, I share their love story through his labour of love ....
The flowers from his ....
Garden of Eden ....

A tribute to Maa and Daddu ..... 

Flowers from the Garden of Love .....

Look for the answer ...

In your question ..
Lies the answer...
I asked a question...
Why me?
You didn't give an answer ....
So, I keep asking the same question ....
The answer lies within me ....
Yet, I want to hear you say it.
Till you don't answer ....
This struggle and conflict will go on ....
There won't be an end to it ....
We shall both suffer ....
The rest with us in silence.

There is no looking back ...
Nor is there something to look forward to ....
Just an answer...
And, all would be resolved ...
But, an honest answer...
Is all I need from you.

But, you don't give the answer ..
I want to hear ....
So, the war of the roses goes on  and on.

Look for the answer to this question ...
Within you Darling ....
The answer lies with you  not me.