Thursday, June 7, 2018

Mindless tasks ...

Master stroke of an empty mind ...
Mindless tasks ...
Uneventful chores ...
They all lead you through your GPS ...
To the task at hand...
When pouring your heart out ...
Clearing the so called writer's block ...
All you need to do is ...
Mindless tasks.

Thorny issues at hand ...
Seem seemingly seamless ...
One finds the quietude...
A bliss to enjoy ...
To rejuvenate ...
And bounce back.

The chirpy self ...
The devil within...
They all surface in words ...
Lingering on thoughts ...
Smacking on lips.

Ah! The flowery words...
Bestowed upon the beastly paper...
The ink pad soaking the sweat ...
The words glistening ...
The thoughts poured out.

Are we done for the day ?
Nay, says the mind ...
We have miles to cover ...
Mountains to climb ...
Oceans to explore...
So much more ...
Yet so little to show.

Master stroke...
Seemingly mindless...
Seamlessly mindful.

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