Thursday, June 7, 2018

Framed musings...

On a windless , moonless night ...
What does she think about?
The frail frame ...
Framed musings ...
Heartless Wonder...
Or woeful wondering?
Ah, the framed musings of a solitary night ...
Whiling away ...
The time ...
Time that is slipping away...
Never to return...
Time lost ...
Wasted away...
The heart growing weaker by the hour...
The feelings becoming numb...
Was that a slight breeze?
Was there a whiff of scent?
No, it's just her imagination...
Playing heartless games...
Lost in her thoughts...
She edges along a precipice...
The plunge deep down...
A dark abyss awaits her ...
A slip in her awkward gait ...
And , she will be lost forever.
Framed musings of a frail mind.

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