Thursday, June 2, 2016

Words just flow...

There are days ...
When she struggles to find words to pen ...
There are days when she is lost for words ...
There are days like today ...
When an inspired work inspires her ...
And, words flow like a stream ...
And she disseminates in a World of letters ...
Plucking nouns, verbs , adjectives, adverbs and what not ...
To spin a web so strong ...
One that can take her weight ...
And swing her about ...
Lulling her to sleep.

A sweet lullaby ...
Words of her own ...
Words stolen ...
Standard words ...
Abstract concepts ...
Structured unstructured sentences ...
Making a meaning or none at all ...
They just flow ...
She just types ...
Happy and content ...
Her sanity intact.

Words just flow ...
Like wine poured into clinking glasses ...
Be it Martini or tequila ...
Her Vodka has arrived.

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